

Ennen yhteisöajanlaskun alkua
Käyntejä: 15 721 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 10
5997 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 2292 (39 %)
Poikia: 3705 (61 %)
Sijoitus koon mukaan: 16
34,3 vuotta
Otos: 4308 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 34,5 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 34,3 vuotta

Jäsenet (5997)


EllaauLuonut: EllaauSunnuntai 05.12.2010 14:52


Hähähää moi! :D
mulla taas menee ihanast ^.-

DaealisDisturbed - AsylumLuonut: DaealisKeskiviikko 22.09.2010 19:36

Olipas keskinkertaista kuraa. Ei ensimmäistäkään biisiä, joka olisi pienen alkuviehätyksen jälkeen iskenyt yhtään sen kummemmin kuin sitä edeltävä tai seuraava biisi. Tasapaksua puuroa, ei ajan arvoista.

jjonnaaa:)Luonut: jjonnaaaTiistai 17.08.2010 01:04

renkipoekaoh my.Luonut: renkipoekaKeskiviikko 26.05.2010 01:48

fear is on the again
Huh, huh, huh, huh huh, huh
Fear is on the again
Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh
Fear is on the again
Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh
Fear is on the again
Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh

Are you no one
Feel you nothing
You know I'll bet you think
You have a good reason to be living
In the limelight of the fortunate ones
you're too weakened by the poison
That they feed you in the living lie
They don't believe you
Call to no one
Trust in nothing
Little impotent one

I don't want to be innocent, you know
I don't want to let them hypnotize me

Punk ass, are you listening
Can you hear me or are you deaf and dumb to my language
Do the real words seem to hurt you
Well put em' up motherfucker
You'll feel it
When I stamp it on your forehead
So you will never forget
That you're a reject
And you're no one
And you're nothing
Little impotent one

Fear awaken
Go with it now
And let it overcome you
Fear awaken
Your mind is racing

I don't understand why you don't like me
Why don't you like me?
Am I so diffrent from you
Now does it scare you that I'm able to discern
What to love and what to burn
I'll add your fuel to the fire now
Stand back, brother take your hand back
Leave it and I might crack
More than a smile or two you see
Don't judge what you don't understand
You can't deny what has been given to me
nii justtiinsa. Xs kans !! :/

-Sidu-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: -Sidu-Keskiviikko 16.09.2009 17:41

Can you feel that?

Oh shit!

Oh wahahah!

Drowning deep in my sea of loathing
Broken your servant, I kneel
Will you give it to me?!
It seems what's left of my human side
Is slowly changing in me

Will you give it to me?!
Looking at my own reflection
When suddenly it changes
Violently it changes
Oh no, there is no turning back now
You've woken up the demon in me

Enough, come on get down with the sickness (3x)
Open up your hate and let it flow into me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
You mother get up, come on get down with the sickness
You fucker get up, come on get down with the sickness
Madness is the gift that has been given to me

I can see inside you the sickness is rising
Don't try to deny what you feel
Will you give it to me?
It seems that all that was good has died
And is decaying in me

Will you give it to me?
It seems you're having some trouble
In dealing with these changes
Living with these changes
The world is a scary place
Now that you've woken up the demon in me


And when I dream (4x)
No mommy don't do it again
Don't do it again
I'll be a good boy
I'll be a good boy, I promise

No mommy don't hit me
Why did you have to hit me like that, mommy
Don't do it you're hurting me
Why did you have to be such a bitch

Why don't you
Why don't you fuck off and die
Why can't you just fuck off and die
Why can't you just leave here and die

Never stick your hand in my face again bitch
Fuck you!
I don't need this shit
You stupid, sadistic, abusive fucking whore
How would you like to see how it feels mommy
Here it comes, get ready to die

Get up, come on get down with the sickness (3x)
Open up your hate and let it flow into me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
You mother get up, come on get down with the sickness
You fucker get up, come on get down with the sickness
Madness has come over me

iinustiiperfect insanityLuonut: iinustiiSunnuntai 06.09.2009 21:43

"Come inside and be afraid
Of this impressive mess I've made
If you take a look now you will find

I have thrown away my vice
Done away with paradise
See what's going on inside my mind
Please let me out
Please let me out
Please let me

Branded like an animal
I can still feel them burning my mind
I do believe that you made your message clear
I think I am losing my mind
I think I am losing my mind
Deprivating, isolating all that I feel
Leaving me with images I know are not real
Are those words of condemnation that I hear
I think I am losing my mind
I think I am losing my

Come inside now I implore
Do you think you can restore
The crucial pieces missing from my brain
What seems to be the matter dear
Why do you cry and shake with fear
I've only had the best dub me insane.
Please let me out
Please let me out
Please let me

Branded like an animal
I can still feel them burning my mind
I do believe that you made your message clear
I think I am losing my mind
I think I am losing my mind
Deprivating, isolating all that I feel
Leaving me with images I know are not real
Are those words of condemnation that I hear
I think I am losing my mind
I think I am losing my mind

I Don't know how much I can take
The secret thoughts inside me wake
I've lost what was within me
Oh sweet insanity

Now I try again to find
The thing that was my mind
Behold the undersigned
Who I've lost my mind"

GlitterStar-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: GlitterStar-Keskiviikko 29.07.2009 14:58

Minun on täytynyt nähdä tuhat unta
Tulla miljoonan kirkaisun vainoamaksi
Voin kuulla marssivat jalat
Ne liikkuvat kaduille

Luitko uutiset tänään?
He sanovat vaaran menneen pois
Mutta voin nähdä tulien yhä palavan
Palavan yössä

Liikaa miehiä
Liikaa ihmisiä
Aiheuttamassa liikaa ongelmia
Eikä juurikaan rakkautta ympärillä
Etkö näe
Tämä on sekasorron maa

Tämä on maailma, jossa elämme
Ja nämä kädet meille annettiin
Käytä niitä ja yrittäkäämme
Tehdä siitä asumisenarvoista paikkaa

Teräsmies, missä olet nyt?
Kun kaikki on mennyt jotenkin pieleen
Teräksiset miehet, mahtavat miehet
Menettävät hallintaansa tällä hetkellä

Tämä on se aika
Tämä on se paikka
Joten me katsomme tulevaisuuteen,
Mutta siellä ei ole juurikaan rakkautta ympärillä
Kerro minulle, miksi tämä on sekasorron maa

Tämä on maailma, jossa elämme
Ja nämä kädet meille annettiin
Käytä niitä ja yrittäkäämme
Tehdä siitä asumisenarvoista paikkaa

Muistan, kauan sitten,
Kun aurinko paistoi,
Tähdet olivat kirkkaita
Läpi koko yön
Ja sinun naurusi äänen,
Kun pitelin sinua tiukasti
Niin kauan sitte

En tule kotiin tänä yönä
Sukupolveni korjaa sen
Me emme vain tee lupauksia,
Joista tiedämme, ettemme niitä koskaan pidä

Liikaa miehiä
Liikaa ihmisiä
Aiheuttamassa liikaa ongelmia
Eikä juurikaan rakkautta ympärillä
Etkö näe
Tämä on sekasorron maa

Tämä on maailma, jossa elämme
Ja nämä kädet meille annettiin
Käytä niitä ja yrittäkäämme
Tehdä siitä taistelunarvoista paikkaa

Tämä on maailma, jossa elämme
Ja nämä ovat nimet, jotka meille annettiin
Nouse ylös ja näyttäkäämme
Mihin meidän elämämme ovat suuntaamassa

niddukurr<3Luonut: nidduKeskiviikko 22.07.2009 23:47

Devon, won't go to heaven
She's just another lost soul, about to be mine again
Leave her
we will receive her
It is beyond your control
will you ever meet again

Devon, one of eleven
Who had been rendered unwhole.
As a little child,
she was taken
and then forsaken
you will remember it all
Let it fill your mind again

Devon lies beyond this portal
take the word of one immortal
Give your soul to me
For eternity
release your life
to begin another time with her
End your grief with me
there's another way
release your life
take your place inside the fire with her

Sever, now and forever
you're just another lost soul about to be mine again
see her, you'll never free her
you must surrender it all
If you'd like to meet again

All you desire
As she begins to turn cold and run out of time
you will shiver
till you deliver
you will remember it all
Let it fill your mind again

Devon lies beyond this portal
take the word of one immortal
Give your soul to me
For eternity
release your life
to begin another time with her
End your grief with me
there's another way
release your life
take your place inside the fire with her

Give your soul to me
For eternity
release your life
to begin another time with her
End your grief with me
there's another way
release your life
take your place inside the fire with her

Devon, one of eleven
Who had been rendered unwhole
As a little child
she was taken,
and then forsaken
you will remember it all
Let it fill your mind again