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Auran evoluutio...Torstai 31.07.2008 01:07

Viime syyskuussa tayttelin auratestin, jonka tulokset alla.


Niista paivista kasvettu ilmeisesti sosiaalisempaan suuntaan.

Punainen: 4.5 - Oranssi: 5 - Magenta: 5 - Keltainen: 5 - Harmaa: 7 - Sammaleenvihrea - 4.5 - Turkoosi - 6.5 - Okra: 6 - Vihrea: 8 - Sininen: 8 - Violetti: 11.5 - Lila: 4 - Kristalli: 5 - Indigo: 7.5

Plurauksia taidepajaltaPerjantai 25.07.2008 03:55

Pieni albumillinen piirroksia kevyesti väritettynä:


Rationaalisen ajattelun ylittaminen *Tiistai 08.07.2008 22:43


Tavoitteleeko buddhalaisuus rationaalisen ajattelun seka muiden psyykeen rajojen ylittamista?


Zen-traditio on kuuluisa koan-harjoituksistaan (, jossa pyritaan nimenomaan mielen rakenteiden ylittamiseen paradoksia pohtien. Sama teema loytyy myos vanhemman buddhalaisuuden maailmasta, joskaan vaikkei yhta korostetussa hahmossa.

Bodhi eli valaistuminen tapahtuu egon rauetessa, viisauden silmien katsellessa olevan ilmentymaa omassa luonteessaan, vapaana psykologisista ehdollistumista.

Rationaalinen paattely seka muut psyykeen toiminnot eivat sinansa ole ongelmia itsessaan. Ongelma syntyy niita kaytettaessa. Mikali psyykeen prosessit rullaavat omaa rataansa havaitsijan ymmartaessa niiden kulun, ne ovat ongelmattomia. Mikali ne kulkevat hallitsematta, tai vailla ymmarrysta, on edessamme ongelma.

Eras ideaali on _mielen taydellinen hallinta_, sen seisauttaminen. Tama ei kuitenkaan ole buddhalaisen tradition paamaarana, silla mielen keskittaminen tai seisauttaminen johtaa samadhiin, mutta samadhi itsessaan ei johda bodhiin. Prajna eli viisaus johtaa valaistumiseen. Siina missa samadhi tukee prajnaa, ja on tietyssa maarin vaadittava tuki sen kehittymiselle, ainoastaan samadhin taydellistaminen ei johda nirvanaan.

Maailma on ymmarrettava — viisaus tarkoittaa olevan ymmartamista. Maailma voidaan ymmartaa joko stilleina tai liikkeessa. Ero kahden liikkeessa ymmarretyn maailmankokemuksen valilla on verrattavissa ihmiseen joen virrassa. Joen pysayttaminen on vaikeaa. Virran mukana kelluminen on vaivatonta. Kysymys on, _annammeko_ itsemme virran vietavaksi vai _joudummeko_ sen viemaksi.

Muotojen (1: rupa) lasnaolo mahdollistaa havainnot (2: samjna), jotka synnyttavat tunteita (3: vedana) viitaten menneisiin ehdollistumiin (4: samskara) seka luoden uusia. Tietoisuus (5: vijnana) on naiden viiden skandhan ( eli muodostuman taustalla oleva tiedostava valo.

Mikali henkilo havaitsee yllaolevat tekijat niiden omassa luonteessaan, irtisanoutuen identiteetista niiden kanssa, han kohoaa psykologisen ehdollistumisen ylapuolelle, ylittaen rationaalisen ajattelun muiden psyykeen prosessien muassa, avaten itsensa ehdollistumat ylittavan todellisuuden kokemukselle.

Meditaation metodeistaSunnuntai 06.07.2008 13:10

"Minkalaista meditaatiota harjoitat? Mita tarkoittaa 'Transvehicular Buddhist'?"


Nykyinen suuntaukseni on mitaan yksittaista traditiota laajempi, jos vaikka leijonanosa onkin ammennettu eri buddhalaisten perinteiden maailmasta. Kokeilen eri metodeja ja niiden soveltuvuutta omaan psykologiseen kenttaani, tarvittaessa muokkaan tai yhdistelen luodakseni itselleni optimaaliset tyokalut.

Kirjoitin eraassa aiemmassa blogissani neljasta paa-asiallisesta meditaatiostani:

Ohella harjoitan valkean Taran sadhanaa (myotaillen Atishan Tara-bharttarika-sadhanaa), elementtien meditaatiota, erilaisia body-scan tekniikoita, energian kanavointia, "mind meld" tietoisuuksien yhdistamista, ja ajoittain myos mantra-japaa (Tara / Mani), pranayamaa ja kundalini-kultivointia.

Viime aikoina istuen tehty meditaatio on ollut vahemmalla. Kantavana teemana ollut maailman kohtaaminen ja siihen uudelleen integroituminen, uusi syntyma uusin lahtokohdin, uuteen maailmaan ja uuteen elamaan, taustalla kaikki vuosien varrella eristyksissa tehty pohdinta ja harjoitus. Tulee piste jossa maailma pitaa kohdata, tuoda nirvana ja samsara saman poydan aareen.

Niin, ja "transvehicular" on kommentaari toisistaan eronneista ja usein toisiaan vaheksyvista buddhalaisuuden suuntauksista: Hinayana, Mahayana ja Vajrayana. Yana tarkoittaa kirjaimellisesti kulkuneuvoa, "vehicle". Transvehicular on siten henkilo, joka ajaa tarpeen mukaan erilaisia ajoneuvoja.

Angel's Heaven - Yhteenveto toiminnastaLauantai 28.06.2008 21:40

Allaolevan linkin takana yhteenveto orpokodin toiminnasta.

This is a copy of a recent proposal my friend Amrit, the director of the Angel's Heaven orphanage, handed over to me. Attached to it was a sheet with a breakdown of the annual expenses, which I'll be posting later.

. . .

Angel's Heaven - Orpolapset KathmandussaLauantai 28.06.2008 16:50

Lampimasti tervetuloa keskustelemaan ja osallistumaan!

Angel's Heaven - Orpokoti

57 kilos of foodPerjantai 27.06.2008 19:27


As of late, I've been spending a good deal of my time working with the Angel's Heaven orphanage in the neighborhood, near the Kathmandu Durbar Square. Run by Amrit and his wife Aishwarya, this orphanage of 20 beautiful children is badly in want of support.

A friend spotted me the other day at a wholesale grocery store near the Universal Peace Foundation office — I spent away the last 2500 NRS I had to get the children food for the upcoming days. 30 kilos of rice, 10 kilos of flat rice, 5 kilos of mung dal, sugar and oil respectively, and a kilo of tea and mixed beans each, and at the crux of time — Amrit has a trekking office, but the season is now at rock bottom, owing both to weather and the current political situation in Nepal.

Some friends, inspired by the example, have chosen to hop onboard and do the same. The children need an average of 12 kilos of rice and 1 kilo of dal per day, in addition with some vegetables. Much is in plans for providing steady future sustenance for this small but beautiful and very meaningful project.

We've been painting at the orphanage also. This old guest house, now rented for the orphanage, is in need of renovation to provide for an inspiring environment for the little angels. Manue and Bikash have been lending their artist's hand to fill the walls with flowers, vines, fruits and other beauties of nature. The top floor roof needs repairs to get past the ongoing monsoon season, and a new 2000 liter water tank also needs to be purchased.

Much is to be done, then! I got a draft of the website today — thanks Manue! — and it should go online momentarily with more specifics on the running expenses and development prospects for the orphanage.

Anyone touched by the prospect is cordially welcome to contribute — in however small and grand way — to the cause. To give an example, 12 kilos of rice costs 850 NRS (8.50e) — here even little goes a long way! I will be posting more details in the days to come. In the meantime, feel free to get in touch with me if the above sparks an interest.

SatoriPerjantai 27.06.2008 11:03

Radikaali tajunnanvälähdys, suunnaton viisauden virta, ajaton meta-kokemuksen jatkumo...


Ego Asserting *Keskiviikko 11.06.2008 20:53

Ego, the ever-vigilant and constantly self-asserting pseudo-self, forms the heart of our troubled existence. Today being the 28th anniversary of my present incarnation in a long series of egotic absorptions, I can think of no subject more suitable to touch on than that of the ego.

We've all been subjected to sermons detailing how we aren't this body. Some may be familiar with the Vedantic theory of five koshas, or layers, that form the conditioned entity. Others may be more familiar with the Buddhist theory of five skandhas, or aggregates, that similarly make up the conditioned being.

That's all fine as a theory. Yet where the ego has self-enthroned itself, the mental faculties function in an inherently self-serving manner. There is little real solace to be found in the theoretical mastery of the ego-theory --- even the subtlest contemplations are transmutated into ego-fuel with wondrous ease.

We are best familiar with the flavor of ego that sustains us in the identity of a master of sensual and mental enjoyments, the gross ego-stereotype that is first highlighted as the non-self in many spiritual traditions. However, while there is an ego at the heart of the enjoyer, there is also an ego of the escaper.

While the ego of the escaper, the noble spiritualist, is of a finer grade than that of the materialist, it is not beyond being able to generate formidable levels of existential delusion. Assuming one is firm in conscious cultivation, the spiritually progressive ego will eventually resolve itself with the rise of penetrating wisdom. In the interim, it is fundamentally venomous, just as its dark counterpart is.

There are countless angles from which to explore the spiritual ego problem. While I cannot lay claim to having mastered the problem, I have over a decade of ego-driven spirituality under my belt, and with it a fair sense of its foul taste --- even if the depth of it all has began dawning on me only quite recently.

At the heart of reality, there is no permanent self to be found. The co-arising and interdependent flow of mind-matter generates a sense of an individual self that lies at the root of the drama, a dreamy focal point of action, a shabby ego-entity that perpetually seeks to reinforce its own sense of reality, protecting the viscosity of the conglomerate entity from the tear of the constantly rising and falling phenomena it consists of.

For one reason or another, it wasn't your lot to become a successful world-enjoyer. Leave the lime-lights, the arena of gross materialism. Become a spiritual hero, a transcendent conqueror, an ego-entity conceiving of itself as a creature of light and goodness. Pride yourself in your integrity, in your benevolence, in your quest, in your nobility of purpose. You are real, your spirituality is real, and the world you inhabit is real. Build that prison of light, bind yourself with goodness.

Aho, he becomes the compassionate helper of fellow seekers. Aho, he becomes the tireless servant of the teacher. Aho, he becomes a knower of the rites and the scripture. Aho, he becomes a symbol of spirituality. Aho, he becomes a world-teacher, he becomes a savior, and he becomes an avatar. Aho, he becomes an emphasized one that is contrasted with others, and so the cage of light grows firmer.

The whole concept of striving for an attainment is a facade. There is no light, nor is there darkness. There is no substance in bondage, nor in liberation. Dualities born of the mind will vanish with the mind. With the disappearance of the eye, light and darkness evaporate. With the disappearance of the ego-conception, labels of spirit and matter fade.

There is only plain reality, and plain reality doesn't seek to assert itself, nor does it invite you to project over it a hundred dreams, to feel of it in a thousand ways, or to conceptualize it into millions of carefully crafted divisions. The interdependent and self-contained flow of aggregates just flows. It seeks no second to assert its flowing.

But alas, the ego is busy in its attempts to manipulate the flow in a manner serving its hallucinations. What comes of its own accord is perfect and natural --- but not for the ego, for the ego feeds on contrasts. Attachments and aversions, pleasures and pains, the momentum of arising dualities and the subsequent involved emotion-conceptualization exchange contribute to the sense of reality the ego seeks to establish and guard.

Desirelessness and disinvolvement from anything not presenting itself of its own accord is the venom of venoms for the ego, provided one is skillful enough to not let the ego seize these qualities as medals of spiritual valor on the chest of its proud uniform, turning them into a show of spirituality and again embarking on a delusory trip of delving on contrasts.

Wisdom in its very core is nothing but the absence of delusions. There is no active wisdom as such in the ultimate, no wisdom-concept-processor to keep itself busy generating a profound interplay of wiseness. Wisdom is nothing but plain perception of nature, non-involved experience of the suchness of existence.

In eliminating the spiritual ego, fatalism and nihilism are two very real enemies raising their ugly heads. Fatalism and nihilism are conquered by profound mindfulness growing from repeated trials, trials meeting both success and failure. Fortunately, there is ultimately no-one of any impact to register our progress --- the path is ours alone to walk, and we have all the time in the world to do it.

Facing the facts can be a disorienting experience, but it is also a fountain of supreme peace. The absurdity of the resilient ego-projection we are enmeshed in is in fact a matter of great humor. I often find myself laughing at myself, the many attempted personae, and the extensions of the process in the form of countless emanations and excrements, this very writing before your eyes one among many such curiosities.

Suuren salaisuuden tietäjä *Torstai 22.05.2008 11:47

Tutkin mä tumman maailman teitä
ihmiskunnan syövereitä
haaskanneet on kansat rauhan
viisaan elon ohjenauhan.

Sydämestä synnyn löysin
viisauden sielt' kiskoin köysin
viisaall' aukee yhteys suuri
kosmoksen veljeyden juuri.

Yhteydessä elementit
yksiss' tuumin mielen ventit
sulanut sydämen huurre
hälvennyt samsaran puurre.

Viisaudesta rauhan synty
rauhasta taas onnen synty
täss' on tieto elämästä
salaisuuden tietäjästä.