Season 5

Season Highlights:
● Lucifer, cool as fuck, acted by Mark Pellegrino.
● The significance of Dean's amulet.
● Dean trying to "help" Cas with his virginity:
"All right. Let me tell you something. There are two things that I know for certain. One. Bert and Ernie are gay. Two. You are not gonna die a virgin. Not on my watch. Let's go."
● Croatoan verse with hippie, drug-addicted, orgie throwing Castiel.
● Team Free Will.
● Castiel as a plastic doll.
● Everything in Changing Channels, especially Dean salivating over Dr. Sexy when meeting him.
● The Supernatural convention, and the brilliant "revelation" of the gay couple ('cause Kripke loves his fans, and we love him).
● Dean's "Pudding!" -moment at the mental institution.
● The Four Horsemen.
● Naked Cupid cuddling everyone.
● The deliciously grotesque scene of Castiel munching at raw meat.
● Dean and Sam going to heaven and meeting Ash (jeij, Ash!).
● BAMF!Castiel kicking Dean's ass (he totally deserved it).
● Crowley and Bobby's kiss (oh Crowley, you cheeky twat with your camera phones, how we love thou).
● Death, acted by Julian Richings.
● The heart wrenching scene of Jo and Ellen dying.
● Jen Titus' song O' Death.
● The significance of the Impala.
● Lucifer blowing up Castiel.
The Kiss
Hippie Castiel
Team Free Will