


is just a figment of your imagination

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 21Lauantai 12.02.2011 23:28

Day 21 - Your favourite character entrance

Holyshitholyshitholyshit!!! *dies from the pure awesomeness*
I was totally blown away by this scene, all that eeriness and the Jen Titus song which is oh-so-perfect and Julian Richings being the very picture of Death with his sunken cheeks and sharply jutting bones that make his face look all skeletal like.

The fifth season was pure epicness already, and then just before the finish line they go and throw in the freakin' Death with the greatest entrances ever. I mean, I thought that Castiel appearing in the warehouse in season four was cool, but this one beats even that.

And on the chills department this scene gets the highest score. Me and my brother were watching this episode right after it was posted on net and we both just sorta froze, staring wide eyed and barely breathing at the screen once the music started playing. After it was over we just looked at each other and went, "Did we really just see that?". And then, naturally, watched the scene many, many more times in a row.

And that fuckin' car. Gotta love the fact that Death rides with style.

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