


is just a figment of your imagination

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 26Keskiviikko 23.02.2011 23:02

Day 26 - Your favourite SPN fanvid

I don't watch fan-made videos all that much, 'cause usually they're just terrible. It's a pain in the ass trying to find the good ones amongst the ones that are just shittily made. However, I do have two vids that I seriously love:

1. Castiel The Motion Picture - Official Trailer

This one's so well made you gotta watch it to believe it. If I remember correctly, this girl (badhalo) did the video with her boyfriend, who are both studying filmmaking.

It's a trailer for Castiel's own movie. Made me sad that it's only a fan-made one, 'cause I would love to see this film for real.

2. Like You Never Had Wings

Summary: When an angel falls, it's impossible to know when they'll crash.

This video shows us the first steps of Castiel's drug abuse (the story's linked to Croatoan!Verse from the episode The End). The song playing is Deftones' Change (In the House of Flies), and I really much like Deftones' music and that song especially is fucking amazing. And the clips with the pill bottles are taken from House M.D., and I totally approve of House.

The video's made by 404ing. Check out her other works also, 'cause they're all pretty awesome.

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