


is just a figment of your imagination

Jewish ZombieTorstai 02.12.2010 21:42

Googletin zombeja ja törmäsin tähän:

The belief that some cosmic Jewish Zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 11Torstai 02.12.2010 21:03

Day 11 - Your favorite quote

Sam: "I swear man, you gotta update your cassette tape collection."
Dean: "Why?"
Sam: "Well for one, they're cassette tapes. And two - Black Sabbath? Motorhead? Metallica? It's the greatest hits of mullet rock."
Dean: "House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole."
Sam: "Y'know, "Sammy" is a chubby 12 year old. It's Sam okay."
Dean: "Sorry, I can't hear you. The music's too loud."
(S1 E1 - Pilot)
I know this is pretty much a cliché by now, but what can I say - I just love the classics.

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 10Keskiviikko 01.12.2010 04:51

Day 10 - Your favorite Sam/other death scene
S5 E22 - Swan Song: Lucifer kills Castiel

I almost fell out of my chair and nearly had a frickin' heart attack! ...and then watched that scene five more times in a row. So much blood and viscera flying around, I loved how they made it look so real (or, you know, if fallen angels wearing human condoms and walking about blowing other angels up with a snap of their fingers were actually real).

And what does it tell about me that all my favourite parts are the ones with the most gore in them?

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 09Tiistai 30.11.2010 03:50

Day 09 - Your favorite Dean death scene
S3 E11 - Mystery Spot: Sam kills Dean with an axe
(Click the stars to see better versions of the pictures)
. . . * . . . ** . . . *** . . .

Hilarious *chuckles* Gave me an excuse to spend my time doing this collage.

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 08Maanantai 29.11.2010 00:15

Day 08 - Your favorite Sam crying scene
S2 E17 - Heart
You know you wanted to climb through the screen and hug him.

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 07Perjantai 26.11.2010 18:35

Day 07 - Your favorite Dean crying scene
S2 E22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2
Dean talking to dead Sam (links to YouTube)

Dean: "I was trying to protect you, keep you safe. Dad didn't even have to tell me, it was just always my responsibility. It was like I had one job. I had one job and I screwed it up. I blew it and for that I am sorry. I guess that's what I do, I let down the people I love. I let dad down. And now, I guess I'm supposed to let you down, too. How can I? How am I supposed to live with that? What am I supposed to do, Sammy?"

Breaks my heart, every fucking time. One of those scenes that shows just how much Dean loves his little brother, how lost he is without him and how he can't fathom the thought of living in a world that hasn't got Sam in it. Those feelings always lead to drastic actions that manage to make their lives even more fucked up than what they already are, but that's their eternal circle; self-sacrifising oneself for the other.

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 06Torstai 25.11.2010 22:39

Day 06 - Your least favorite episode
S6 E1 - Exile on Main St.
#&¤#!@¤ !!!

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 05Keskiviikko 24.11.2010 22:07

Day 05 - Your favorite episode
S1 E6 - Skin

Why this episode pushed all my happy buttons:

● The beginning with the S.W.A.T. team surrounding the house and Dean getting caught was an excellent way to start this.
● It introduced a new cool monster, the shapeshifter, which I found thoroughly fascinating.
● Oh, the gore, the ugliness, the things too revolting to look at. I'm talking 'bout the scene where the shapeshifter-Dean rips his skin off. Holy fucking shit, I loved the way it was shot and adored the make-up job. It was truly disgusting, and I loved every second of it.
● In the very same scene there played an absolutely amazing song that fit the whole thing perfectly. (I wrote down the lyrics, dug up the name of the song from the internet, and went and bought my very first Filter album.)
● The new aspects of Dean that we found out while the shifter looked like him and talked to Sam:
Shapeshifter: "He's sure got issues with you. You got to go to college, he had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home. With Dad. You don't think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you? -- See, deep down, I'm just jealous. You got friends, you could have a life. Me? I know I'm a freak. And sooner or later everybody's gonna leave me. -- You left. Hell, I did everything Dad asked me to and he ditched me too. No explanation, nothing, just... left me with your sorry ass."
● A sketched picture of Dean's face appearing on the news. A Wanted Criminal. (Bad boys are so much fun.)
● Dean shooting the shifter while it looked like him. If that isn't some brilliantly fucked up twisted shit then I don't know what is.
● Monsters, gore, two Deans (I think I may have a twin kink), S.W.A.T. teams, getting to know Dean's insecurities, awesome songs... Yep, I think that sums it up nicely.
Dean with the dead shifter

(The barely losing runner-ups were S2E9 - Croatoan and S4E16 - On the Head of a Pin.)

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 04Keskiviikko 24.11.2010 01:29

Day 04 - Your least favorite season
Season 6

Okay, so, after the awesomeness that the whole of the 5th season was I knew from the start that it would be really hard to make the next season as good/better. And, surprise surprise, they didn't manage in taking it up a notch, more like lowering the quality of the whole thing by many levels. Yeah, sure, some of the episodes have their brilliant moments, but still, it's really depressing to watch them as a whole after the 5th season that was pure perfection. It just all seems so pointless now.
Some of the most annoying things:

● Jared Padalecki's acting (gosh, I wanna scratch my eyes out every time he pops onto the screen).
● The whole Let's-Resurrect-Every-Fuckin'-One-Of-The-Family.
● Nobody coming to tell Dean that they were alive. It was more like:
"Yeah, we know your biggest fear is being left alone and you hate the fact that everyone around you dies and goes away. Despite that, we decided to keep it a secret for a whole year that we're all alive. But, you know, really, we love you." What. The. Fuck?
● The HUGE lack of Misha Collins. He's been, what, only in two episodes so far?
● Dean's always been a bit thick and harsh, but now he's just being a terribly ungrateful asshole towards Castiel, and I can't see how that fits in with everything that's happened between them. I hope Cas would kick Dean's ass again.
● The uninteresting storylines.

But, you know, I'm all the time hoping that something totally amazing would happen in the story and capture my interest and make me go all crazy, like "holyshitfuck, this is the best thing ever!", but I'm not holding my breath here.

(They did give us Sebastian Roché as Balthazar though, which is cool)

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 03Tiistai 23.11.2010 00:52

Day 03 - Your favorite season
Season 5

Season Highlights:

● Lucifer, cool as fuck, acted by Mark Pellegrino.
● The significance of Dean's amulet.
● Dean trying to "help" Cas with his virginity:
"All right. Let me tell you something. There are two things that I know for certain. One. Bert and Ernie are gay. Two. You are not gonna die a virgin. Not on my watch. Let's go."
● Croatoan verse with hippie, drug-addicted, orgie throwing Castiel.
● Team Free Will.
● Castiel as a plastic doll.
● Everything in Changing Channels, especially Dean salivating over Dr. Sexy when meeting him.
● The Supernatural convention, and the brilliant "revelation" of the gay couple ('cause Kripke loves his fans, and we love him).
● Dean's "Pudding!" -moment at the mental institution.
● The Four Horsemen.
● Naked Cupid cuddling everyone.
● The deliciously grotesque scene of Castiel munching at raw meat.
● Dean and Sam going to heaven and meeting Ash (jeij, Ash!).
● BAMF!Castiel kicking Dean's ass (he totally deserved it).
● Crowley and Bobby's kiss (oh Crowley, you cheeky twat with your camera phones, how we love thou).
● Death, acted by Julian Richings.
● The heart wrenching scene of Jo and Ellen dying.
Jen Titus' song O' Death.
● The significance of the Impala.
● Lucifer blowing up Castiel.
The Kiss
Hippie Castiel
Team Free Will