
Älä näytä modausta
  • Näetkö ne kaksi
    tulista kalaa.
    Silmäsi syttyvät.
    Vedessä palaa.♥

  • I wish is; your dreams stay big
    and your worries stay small.
    You never need to carry more
    than u can hold! ♥

  • I will dry your eyes,
    I will fight your fights,
    I will hold u tight,
    and I won't let go♥!

  • write my name over your heart,
    as many times as it needs,
    that it stays there forever!

voin olla rehellinen sulle sillä, beibi mullon nää ruskeet silmät.
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Love is handing someone a gun
and letting it point to your head,
believing that he won't pull the trigger...

~ Spongebob Squarepants ~