


Every ounce of my weight is a failure

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Landscapes remain untouched
Through the centuries
Waters colored with colour of filth
Seas turned to graveyard of life

Living beings fossilized
Their remains standing still
Waiting for time
When the grand sea of fire
Wipes away our dying sphere

Faces of extinction smiling
Watching with its dead, bleak sight
Ghosts wandering as blind
Searching each other in vain

All the breakthrough thoughts
Covered in sand, under the rays of giant
There is nothing but light and storms
In this hellish sea of waving sand

All the steps of performed vanity
Are paid back to the nature
As the nature send the final toll upon us
Our errors forgiven in exchange of life and death

Before the great purification
Sterilizing our domain in universe
The final embrace of fire and dust
We hear the last remaining sounds
Before the closure


Immersed Under MalevolenceMaanantai 11.02.2013 01:03

Gather the tears
Of thousands of eyes
In a small vessel

Gather the lives
Of thousands of souls
In the same vessel

Gather the horrors
Which these poor souls witnessed
In your quest of prosperity

Immerse yourself
Under malevolence
Under greed and inhumanity
Rise as a prophet on the podium
Made of bodies of your children

Heria - Self-OstracismKeskiviikko 23.01.2013 15:50

My naked body so clean
Ready to seal my mind
To be one with Nature
Cut away my shell

Erase my limits, split my view
View from existence, tension of life
Potential collapse seen in the past
The pillars of storms rising high
Oceans and waters, waving reversed
Leaves return back to trees
Lifeforms devolutionized
Stars fragmentating into clouds
Of shattered materia

Prīmus - Leaking down through the worldly layers
Secundus - Approaching the center of the Universe
Tertius - Embracing the pressure and heat
Quartus - Sink into warm, stormy abyss


Quīntus... Almost reaching the end
Leaving my essence behind...
Reaching the level where
Even Nature has no meaning

Sextus - My shadow slowly reaching my hand
Septimus - Like floating on the surface of the Sun
Octāvus - Coronas flashing between me
Nōnus - Finally I reach myself

In fraction of moment I spread through constitutions

Another universe opens from the borders of this void
Where the Nature can be shaped by will
Impossibilities become nonsense
Through the stages of self-ostracization


Obizeth - Inbred Plague Among SheepTiistai 08.01.2013 15:38

The shepherd,
protector of man
Protector of hordes, the weak
Keeping the disease
inside the borders
Letting bastard sons
rise on their thrones

Through centuries the blood decays
Same blood, inbred siblings
Shepherd effing its protegies
Restoring their faith in him with lies

Disease spread through flesh and blood
Through actions and years to pass

Nothing will cleanse
this filth
No one will be saved
from damnation
Created with
repulsing nature
The bastard king
reborn again

Prophecies are told
by corrupted beings
Swallowed by idiotic
gregarious animals
Raping their own
kind in the name
Of their God

Now your kind is utterly sick
You see no chances of survival
Your shepherd set your fields on fire
Erasing you from this world

The shepherd creates new fauna
Making them inbreed again
The disease spread through generations
Inbred plague among the sheep

Tuonen virran virtaamaa
Sinne kuolevan käsi kurottaa
Kämmeniinsä vettä hautoo
Sillä syntinsä päältään huuhtoo

Kuin lailla ajatusten erakon
Kuin läpi kysymysten aavikon
Hän tietää, minne profeettansa vie
Kuolleiden maalla käy hänen tie

Polkunsa kuin Jumalan johdattaman
Kuin olisi suojelluksessa Saatanan
Käsivartensa jo kovin tunnottomat
Tulevaisuutensa kohtalon viitoittamat

Kaaoksen tuoma herja
Maailma uskoo kirosanaan
Ennemmin kuin itseensä
Ennemmin kirjaan ilman sivuja
Tyhjät merkinnät
Kuolleet tarkoitukset
Maailma nojaa elottomaan aatteeseen
Sen ainoaan herjaan

Se on niin valkoinen
Se on niin pimeydestä kalpea
Sitä kantaa auringon säteet
Halki meren pintaa
Sitä lävistäen
Sitä valaisten

Maaperä jäästä mustaa
Silti siinä ruoho kasvaa
Se ei pala pois edes tulen syttyessä
Jopa tuli jää maisemaa katsomaan

Vuoret jatkaa kohoamistaan
Ihmiskunta jatkaa taivaltaan
Vielä joskus vapautuu illuusiostaan
Lakkaa uskomasta luomaansa herjaan

Kun ihmiset kumarsivat sanoja
Kumartaen vain toisiaan
Nojaten tyhjään filosofiaan

Obizeth - AtavismTiistai 27.11.2012 02:13

The ancestral fury
Whispers in my soul
Calling its name again
Calling its followers

Hatred built in flesh
Chaos reconstructed
Peace reflected into war
We have taken a new step
Towards inhumanity

As my eyes seek for future
Cutting the skyline in half
Degenerate, my children
Become us, arise as gods

For all eternity, we have sworn ourselves
Given the oath to embrace the world
Suffocating the morals in your nations
The sanctums shalt turn into mass graves

(Hatred built in flesh
Chaos reconstructed
Peace reflected into war
We have taken a new step
Towards inhumanity)

The stars guide our paths
Like oskorei ride in the skies
Deflecting humanity
Breed the new blood in their veins

The Philosophy of No ManTorstai 15.11.2012 03:47

Hear the prayer of a man of faith
Silent echoes as into void they fade
Empty words escort thee to nowhere
As the man sought peace for his life mere

Tears travelling through the air
Composing a sonata in the wind
Flying past young wolf's lair
Creating a dance between trees

As the lonewolf came and saw this man
Which life was coming to an end
Watched each other in the eyes for decades
Embracing the waiting of death

As the wolf proceed to the dying man
It slowly turned into a goat
No retribution by a sin is delivered
Hatred, disgust nor loath

The goat said to the man:
"I see no fear of death in thee.
Why so much sorrow you feel?
Are thou bitter for thou past
Or is someone close to the oblivion being cast?"

And the man replied:
"I seek no vengeance nor death to other.
I seek no justifications or such a matter.
From thou eyes I can see, what you are.
The being, which lair is where no man want.
I shalt not tell thee my darkest secrets
Even though my heart will that regret."

The goat so replied to the man:
"I seek no pleasure of tormenting thee.
My lair cannot be defined by the eyes of thee.
My being is not more or less evil as thou think
The reason and wisdom from thou I seek.
Wish me to understand the matter of suffering
So I can end it without pain nor despair."

The man delivered his answer:
"The matter of suffering is what you can't find
The denial of pain is the most humane to my kind
By taking it away it will fill up with an insight
The light bend as the shadows travel by
The suffering is the philosophy of no man
And as a humble, old man understand I can't."

And so the man in peace passed away
No footprints of goat was seen in there
Only a message written with most beautiful hand
"... As the Nature, the suffering, understand I can't."


Heria - Adventitious ExhalationPerjantai 19.10.2012 03:15

From where grows the seeds
The seeds that shalt fulfill the Earth
The seeds that in accretion creates
The wars, suffering and death in vain

And the martyrs of humanity
Only a touch of reaper on pale skin
It's no more or less than
An adventitious exhalation

Such a prosperity
In nowhere
An glimpse of light
To lay eyes on
Anywhere you look
You find what you seek
Anywhere you walk
The death follows you reminding

Memento Mori - Like a post-mortem photograph
Memento Mori - The faint sight on beloved's eyes
Memento Mori - When nothing seem to please
Memento Mori - Memories burned to ashes in cold flames

May thou sleep in deep, neverending coma
Your journey may begin with cold blessing
The time will take care of your carnal shell
While your mind is now free and aware

But only in lies may lay the truth
Only a touch of human on pale skin
It's no more or less than
An adventitious exhalation

And so here we are like the children of pandemonium
From personal mayhem we are to create the world
For the death we are blessed to kneel
For the death we are doomed to live

Be kind
Take me somewhere warm
Take me somewhere safe

Give me strength
Give me time
To deliver my last breath
In the air

Into the wind
Near the sea
From where all began
All in the end
Let me come closer
Closer to the light
I've tried to reach
All these years


Heria - The Patterns of ReincarnationKeskiviikko 10.10.2012 04:05

Down I go, into the deep I fall
Lost in cold place yet so unknown

Still I feel the mysterious warmth around me
The friendly warmth that never met heat

And so I did proceed deeper into this matter
Into this darkness that illuminates through me

Communicates through thousand tongues
Which I cannot understand
But I'm not losing the meaning behind these words
I have heard since the dawn of time

So peaceful, but misfortunate
The lower I descend, the more pleasure I get
Slowly touching the bottom of this sea
Which was solid and aligned, and sand almost like silk

There was this sentence written
All over me
Symbols and letters flaming lurid
As my memories fade away
"The voices of memories are there echoing
and no one there is listening.
The life is nothing, but finding a domain
Where to incept the human nature to grow."

And so there grew mountains from the bottom of the sea
Right before my eyes the light bend along the mountain crest
There I stood, while this world changed in this pantheon
Where the presence created moribund flesh in its closure

The streams flow vivid behind me like the lost winds of mountains
Sounds of coldness vibrate on my skin through all seasons
The singing of cold stone in winter, such a godlike sighs
Such a beautiful music can be seen on any eyes

There is no pressure crushing me
In this sea everything can breathe
The loud music of the waves
Bashing in the shores of surface

After the last wave, surface turned frozen
But in this abysm all remains the same
The crystallized blackness approaches
Depths are bending into the darkness

Paths unknown for a lone traveller
There is no right path to follow
Only depths of emptiness

Cold, but pleasant journey
Towards the awareness
Existence questioned
No one there


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 02.09.2012 05:01

Ihminen nauttii aina tavalla tai toisella jonkin asiat tuhoamisesta tai tuhoutumisesta, nähdäkseen mihin suuntaan kyseinen asia kasvaa. Millaisena se nousee tuhkista. Jos se kuolee täysin, ihminen etsii uuden kohteen, johon käyttää voimavarat tätä hallitakseen. Ihmisen mieli on nihilistinen. Monesti kyyninen, oman yhteisönsä arvoja kieltävä olento. Miksi? Koska ihminen on utelias, ihminen on kapinoiva ja elämää kyseenalaistava mieli. Ihan vain siksi, koska tämä voi olla sellainen. Mutta erityisimmin tämä mieli on luonnonmukainen. Luonnossa asiat syntyy ja kuolee, jatkuvasti. Luonnon perussääntö on, että asiat kohtaavat suuremmasta tahosta(vrt. Jumalasta) riippumatta. Me elämme lakeja, joita ei ole. Hiljaisia sopimuksia, jotka perustuvat vain yksilöiden luottamukseen. Kuka yksilö ei haluaisi nähdä yhteisön kyseenalaistavan omat moraalinsa, kun se jostain päästä pettää? Kuka ei haluaisi nähdä lampaiden säikähtävän oman laumansa jäseniä? Kadottaen oman paimenensa, jota ei koskaan ole ollutkaan?

"Hulluus on kuin fysiikka. Se vaatii vain pienen tönäisyn."