
jejeeeKeskiviikko 28.10.2009 23:44

23 päivääää

!Tiistai 27.10.2009 00:51

pakko saada pidennykset!

ääMaanantai 26.10.2009 23:23

roni vaa pelaa pleikka 3 ja meitsi dataa koneel :)

btw. 7kk <3
rakastan sua!

tsajajajaTorstai 22.10.2009 12:36

29 päivää viel

jidsjvkdsvhbskchfbjskfbdkKeskiviikko 14.10.2009 23:17

ette oikeesti ymmärrä kuippal mua suoraa sanottu vituttaa ku en päässy sinne bmth:n keikal! ny huomaa et kaikki "kaverit" eipä taida olla niin luotettavii ku ne sanoo olevans

kjasfsladhdscaslmkrfjdlkxvngasTiistai 13.10.2009 21:20

ketä haluis tulla mun kaa huomen bmth:n keikal :(? mul ois ylimääränen lippu jos joku haluis ostaa

huomenTiistai 13.10.2009 19:35

Et voi lisätä tyhjää merkintää!

:(Sunnuntai 11.10.2009 14:38

If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way
We would climb our way to Heaven, and bring him home again
If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way
We would climb our way to Heaven, and bring him home again

If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way
We would climb our way to Heaven, and bring him home again
We would do anything to bring him back to you
We would do anything to end what you're going through

If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way
I would climb my way to Heaven, and bring him home again
I would do anything to bring him back to you
Because if you got him back, I would get back the friend that I once knew

Lepää rauhas nico<3

R.I.P Nico Nyrhinen<3Lauantai 10.10.2009 15:31

lepää rauhas nico<3

Without you, there's no change
My nights and days are grey
If I reached out and touched the rain
It just wouldn't feel the same
Without you, I'd be lost
I'd slip down from the top
I'd slide down so low
20.11 tatska aika<3