


Meno vitu messiah

Mättö on paras:D ja viina:DDDSunnuntai 05.02.2012 19:48

Täydellisyyttä *-*

GaabolWaabolLauantai 04.02.2012 04:34

I need to know there's a light, and a life still left to live, and I know that we will be the ones who stand tall and rise up to the end.

I dont know the purpose of life but i have learned that life is worth living but its not that special. All I ever want is just someone by my side, someone that cares and someone who will always be there for me, someone who i can tell that:"I love you" but you know shit happens and nothing lasts forever no matter what you do. There is lots of people out there and no matter how many friends I have Im still lonely and theres nothing i can do. The worst part is that no one does anything about it, rare people even talk to me and it just makes me sad, its just so frustrating to sit and listen when everyone else talks and no one even seems to notice me. But all i can wish is that someone would make my day, you know like come talk to me or come to see me or something but i quess nothing will ever change...

ITS WORKING!!!!Perjantai 27.01.2012 18:18

100Megan netti <33333
et mitäköhä sitä kesis.....

With the death of an ocean, will you pray for direction?
And the moment is fading, our hearts will never feel so heavy

AAAAWWWWWWW :3Lauantai 17.12.2011 17:40

Enter link URL

Voi Kisua :3

Vähä knännin reunaa :33Lauantai 19.11.2011 20:56

Vastatkaa säälistä ees ! :DDKeskiviikko 16.11.2011 02:01

1. mitä ajattelit, kun katsoit kuviani ensimmäisen kerran?
2. mitä tekisit, jos suutelisin sinua?
3. ajatteletko koskaan minua?
4. sano rehellisesti mitä tahtoisit tehdä kanssani,
jos meidät lukittaisiin huoneeseen koko yöksi?
5. ulkonäköni 1-10?
6. voisitko seurustella kanssani?
7. kopioisitko tämän blogiisi, jotta voisin vastata sinulle?

SE ON SIT KEIKALLEE !!!! <3Sunnuntai 06.11.2011 16:20

Machine Head, Darkes Hour, Devil Driver Ja Bring Me The Horizon !

Myssyä, kiitos!Lauantai 05.11.2011 18:21

Tää on kyl semmone biisi et jos jokaine ihminen sisältäis tän biisin nii ois maailmanrauha, mutta sitä päivää ei taida tulla :D