



Antonio Arrieta

About Me:
Hanging Out With Friends, Singing, Music n' Lyrics, Gym, Chill Out.. n' another hobbies!

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    Antonio Arrieta en la I Edición Concurso "Sólo Tu Voz" de la Academia Mayré Martinez

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    ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ Hieman minusta..! ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀

    Band/Singer: Wisin y Yandel-8- n' many others!
    Kind of Music: R&B, Pop-Rock, Hip-Hop, Reggaeton..
    Song: Too many.. =P
    Movies: Saw Saga, The Bucket List, Scary Movie, American Pie, Final Destination, Harry Potter, Twilight, The Ring, The Fast and the Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious..
    Disney Movie: Aladdin XD?
    TV shows: Snoop Dogg's Fatherhood, The Soup, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, American Idol, Pimp My Ride, Dr. House, Prison Break, Two and a Half Men, Girls of the Playboy Mansion, The Simpsons, Padre de Familia, MTV Cribs, The City, Celebrity Deathmatch, Criss Angel Mind Freak..
    Color: Blue
    Food: Italian
    Pizza topping: Pepperoni, corn
    Ice-Cream Flavor: Chocolate
    Drink (alcoholic): Whisky, beer, vodka whatever!!
    Soda: 7up
    Store: Bershka
    Clothing Brand: Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle
    Shoe Brand: Adidas
    Season: Winter
    Month: Diciembre =)
    Holiday/Festival: Christmas!
    Flower: I have no favorite..(N)
    Make-Up Item: Noup --'
    Board game: Poker.. definitively!
    Sunny or rainy: Rainy
    Chocolate or vanilla: Both mixed!
    Fruit or veggie: Fruit
    Night or day: Night =$
    Sour or sweet: Sweet
    Love or money: Love♥ and a few of money $$ right? LMAO
    Phone or in person: In person =)
    Looks or personality: Both!
    Coffee or tea: Tea
    Hot or cold: Hotttttt XD

    Goal for this year: To graduatee n' to buy my own house!
    Most missed memory: I don't remember right now XD
    Best physical feature: Dunno.. ask my friends =/
    First thought waking up: Hmm.. food, maybe?
    Hypothetical personality disorder: Dunno o_O
    Preferred type of plastic surgery: I will not say that... 8)
    Sesame street alter ego: ¿? WTF
    Fairytale alter ego: ¿? lol
    Most stupid remark: idk... haha =/
    Worst crime: Hehe i stole a pencil in class =$ XD
    Greatest ambition: To graduate =) yaaaa!
    Greatest fear: Not to receive rapidly the American Citizenship.. =|
    Darkest secret: Eeehhmmm...
    Favorite subject: English
    Strangest received gift: Dunno.. a CD? XD
    Worst habit: None

    Do You?
    Smoke: Noup, never --'
    Drink: A little bit 8)
    Curse: Eeehmmm.. 8) sometimes!
    Shower daily: Yeap.. like 2 times daily!
    Like thunderstorms: Nah...
    Dance in the rain: Yeaaaaaap =) i would love that.
    Sing: Alwayss, daily-8-
    Play an instrument: Piano, a little bit!
    Get along with your parents: Yeeeeaaaa they rock!
    Wish on stars: Noup(N)
    Believe in fate: Yess(a)
    Believe in love at first sight: Yeah!

    Can You?
    Drive: Yeap... obviously!
    Sew: Uh?
    Cook: Eeehh.. yes 8)
    Speak another language: Noup
    Dance: Hehehe... a little bit!
    Sing: Yeah baby XD!
    Touch your nose with your tongue: Naahh..
    Whistle: Yes =)
    Curl your tongue: MDR!

    Have You Ever?
    Been Drunk: Hhmm... no? Hahaha 8)
    Been Stoned/High: Nap
    Eaten Sushi: Yeap
    Been in Love: Noup
    Skipped school: Of course..
    Made prank calls: Hehehe yeaap! =p
    Sent someone a love letter: Yeaah.. several times!
    Stolen something: Nah...
    Cried yourself to sleep: ¿?

    Other Questions?
    What annoys you most in a person? Da' scandal and that likes to draw attention! --'
    Are you right or left handed? Right handed
    What is your bedtime? Often 12:30 - 1:00am..
    Name three things you can't live without: Family, my pc, da' gym..
    What is the color of your room? Uhm.. white?
    Do you have any siblings? Yes
    Do you have any pets? 1 Dog called "Tommy"
    Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? I would think it... hahahha! 8) XD!
    What are you nicknames? Tony
    Are you for or against gay marriage? I don't care.
    What are your thoughts? Hmm dunno
    Do you have a crush on anyone? Yeap.. =$
    Are you afraid of the dark? Nap
    How do you want to die? Sleeping
    What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? Popsicles? WTF XD!
    Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Yes!
    What is the last law you’ve broken? I don't remember.. XD

    In a Member of the Opposite Sex!
    Hair color: Black
    Eye color: Light color
    Height: Dunno
    Weight: Dunno
    Most important physical feature: Face, Hair
    Biggest turn-off: That does men's things and likes to entertainment.. =)

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