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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

=)Keskiviikko 31.01.2007 18:11

lue ja vastaa.

Sinä, joka luet tätä, kuvaile minua yhdellä sanalla.
Siis vain yhdellä ( !! ), ja sen jälkeen laita tämä omaan päiväkirjaasi, jotta näet mitä muut ajattelevat sinusta.

Olit sitten kuka tahansa, laita kommenttia, jos eksyt päiväkirjaani lukemaan.

Runoja =)Torstai 17.08.2006 00:12

These words will never reach your mind.
None iÂ’ve spoken so far have affected you so why should i even bother,
itÂ’s pointless. IÂ’ll just go now, it shouldnÂ’t matter to you.
Why do you choose to watch when i wield a blade,
yet when i need support youÂ’re the first to turn away?
Ignore me. itÂ’s all youÂ’ve ever done. Just turn away,
iÂ’ll stop bleeding eventually...

One night on the Graveyard of Angels I was walking,
that night I saw an angel, saw her crying.
Her wings were broken, torn, hurt, she was dying...
Angel, such a beauty. Fallen from heavens garden.
I watched her soul escape in the little tears...
To see her there, so deadly wounded was a burden.
She was lost, fallen, dying, so full of pain...
She was lying on the cold white marble plate,
to help her I tried, but I was too late.
In the pool of blood to die was her fate...
The angel stared at me, I heard her silent cries.
A pale small figure, in pool of blood so red.
Angel, such a fragile creature with beautiful eyes.
In rage I cried, next who will die is god!
I took the angel on my arms, kissed, loved, held her near.
Gave her my warmth, words of hope I whispered in her ear.
God will pay for this crime my love, do not fear...

Under the sweetest flower,
in the garden of bones,
deep underground is where I sleep.
On my ground tears shower,
sorrow bathing my tombstones,
for me do not weep.

With a nice little twist I slit my wrist...
Tired of waiting for life to kill, rather my own blood would I spill.
It's my own choice, I have no fears, only in my eyes some unshed tears...
On the floor, blood making stains, slowly releasing me from my pains.
Bloody stains, like the ones in my soul, caused by all the pain, this life is so foul.
My vision is finally fading away, In this misery no longer shall i stay.
Soon it's all done, staring into the darkness, oh itÂ’s so black, soon it's all gone...
Soon I'm released, free from this pain, suffering and life, it was all just in vain.
Funny how blood makes the difference between life and death,
farewell life, goodbye, taking now my last breath...

I let the rain fall on my face and mix with my tears
Hiding all the broken dreams yet making real my fears
I realize what my life is - a broken path
I no longer fear death - I fear my life
I'm dying inside - and it's all because of you
I've spent too many hours crying
And now I pray to just forget your face
Even if it's just for one night,
because even if it doesn't appear to be true...
My love, I'm dying over you.

They say they hate me, I do too.
They wish i would die, I do too.
They say I'm dumb, I think so too.
Here's the thing, they don't intend for this to go very far,
just to see me cry, just to make themselves feel better.
That won't happen, for their hurtful words
are the blades cutting my wrists, their words are killing me.
Making both of our wishes come true
I'll have my happy ending, peace at last...

locked away in a vault deep inside my soul.
under ten layers of chain is where my secrets take their toll.
the pain is overbearing the lies just seem too true,
my memories are alive,all this because of you.
when i was down you kept me there,
when i was up i had broken free.
i tried to change i knew i couldn't win,
but now i know what is really true,
it was never me, the problem will always be you.

I wish pain was water, by now i would have drowned.
Below the dirt and stone, buried deep below the ground.
You are just one who has hurt me, made me cry and scream.
You have pulled me around, ruined my every single dream.
My heart is too heavy, my wounds too deep to heal,
It is haunting me everywhere, the pain is so real,
You make me hate, I can't love or help,
Wanting to hurt and tease, you are nothing to me anymore,
Don't touch me ever again, forget that I once cared.
Turn away, don't look me in the eye...
You are a curse, a disease, but remember all things must die.

Hiding in silence, my mind slips into thought,
Of how I ever got here, when all time seems to stop.
The stars no longer shine, the moon is turning black,
My eyes are flooded with red, as my regrets come violently back.
I see her cold pale face, her hair matted with blood,
And I can hear her last words, before ending with a thud.
She is finally gone now, not one more threat, no more abusing me.
But I'm still filled with regret. I didn't intend to kill her,
and I can't understand why, why I sliced her throat,
and why I didn't cry. And I'm sorry that she is dead,
but that doesn't mean I wouldn't do it again.

I'm sitting here thinking alone, wondering when it's time to go home alone.
I get up and start walking, I pass a few people but they're to busy to see it, that I'm alone.
The house, I now see it, but there's nobody home so I'm gonna be alone.
I turn on the TV, put some music on too, but I can still feel the Silence.
The phone rings, i pick it up"No she's not home, I'm all alone".
What now I wonder, what to do. I go in the kitchen and look around,
yup still alone. I take a knife and play around with it, checking that I'm still alone,
wondering what itÂ’s like to see and taste blood, of course alone.
Slowly I place the knife on my wrist and cut till I see the blood drip down.
I lick the blood away as my tears fall one by one alone like me, all alone.
The knife cuts deeper and the blood starts showing on the floor and I sit down, alone.
Now I cut the other wrist aswell, just as deep, feeling dizzy and no longer caring if I'm alone...
I close my eyes and it feels like I'm falling asleep, alone.

This tear of blood streams down my face
Now i go, i run i hace.
I run before he comes to take me once more,
he comes and screws me like im his whore.
He comes every night without fail,
he hurts me more if i try and bail.
WhatÂ’s the point of living this life?
I end all with the sharp point of a knife.
I kill myself and those around me will fall,
my name they will call.
This one crimson tear runs down my cheek
IÂ’ll be dead this time next week.

I stare into the mirror, hating everything i see
My blood runs cold, my eyes are empty
My reflection taunts me, makes me go insane
Looking at myself, it brings me so much pain
I look at myself and see a soul filled with sorrow
regret lies in my mind, hoping theres no tomorrow
Cursing the mirror i turn and walk away,
step into the darkness and slowly fade away...

Pain is a part of life, we all know it
Pain has a big price and it shows it
Hate is itÂ’s wife, it grows inside
My pain is my own, nobody knows about it
My pain isnÂ’t shown and I donÂ’t shout about it
I donÂ’t feel at home and I donÂ’t doubt it
I see the light, slowly fading away
Only at night, but I want it to stay
I try to fight, even though I know I have to go
Trying to find good thoughts in my mind, but it all dies
Why do I feel so dead inside?
When the world around me is so full of life.

I thought i was in love, but i made it all up.
I just wanted to feel...
even if it was pain that couldnÂ’t heal.
So i created a type of hurt to make me cry.
The wounds were something that made me feel,
physical pain is the only way to make it real.
So i bleed for you, i bleed to cry,
i bleed to feel.

i wish that i was normal
i wish that i could care
i wish i showed emotion
not just sit here and stare
i wish you could feel like this
even for one day
so you knew what its like
to wish not to be me

Nothing means anything anymore. Everything is empty, stale and cold
I am sore from crying, every move I make is bold.
The thought of suicide is a bluff, knowing I can't do it yet.
Everything is just too rough... I am weak, can't take much more.
Now the thought of suicide isn't an empty threat...
I am closer every day, closer and closer
Yet so very far away.

Cheerful face, eyes drowned in sorrow,.
There's no trace of hope for tomorrow..
Tears of misery flooding her eyes,,
her body quivering of long forgotten cries..
Her soul is dying, her heart is pining,,
for another moment before her life starts fading.
Flashbacks so fearful, darkness surrounds,,
the memories are endless as death resides..
Nearing the moment she refuses to cry,,
her life is broken, she needs to die.

I'm going to draw a picture, a picture with a twist.
I'll draw it with a razorblade, i'll draw it on my wrist.
And with the first line, a river will appear
and just like the river, my sorrow will dissappear..

In the middle of the night
Waiting for an angel to fall, no hope of salvation at all
A poor lost soul is swallowed up whole
Consumed in the flames they are souls without names
The fires are ablaze, in this fiendish maze
Consumed by guilt and shame thereÂ’s no one else to blame
The fires are aglow as you sink so low
The Devil has cast his spell, you face eternity in Hell.

Love me, my razorblade.
Peel my skin,, make me scream.
Sink so deep, make me weep.
Cut my flesh, make me bleed.
Take my life, set me free.

There was a goth guy that met a goth girl, both slit their wrists
both hated the world. Together they killed, together they bled,
after one year together they wed. They slept in a coffin,
screwed with a knife, he gave her his love, she took his life.
She kissed his lips, tore open his chest, took out his heart
and ate all the rest. There was a goth girl that killed a goth guy,
they both wanted death, but only one got to die!

No love controls my heart, no emotions are in the hollow dark.
Where my heart should lie, for inside I slowly die.
No thoughts of happiness in my mind, no happiness at all can you find
in the glint within my eye, for inside I slowly die.
No spirit inhabits this shell, no dreams of heaven or hell
nothing is in this body of mine, for inside I slowly die.
So I sit here all alone, no emotions being shown.
And if you look deep into my eyes, you shall see, im dead inside.

Lost in a desert of plain emptiness,
you give me the power not to give up.
Drowning in a black sea of lonely tears,
you give me the strenght to swim to the top.
Like you gave me life, give life to my dreams,
set free my spirit, heal my broken wings.
Take away the pain, wipe away my tears,
save my fallen soul, wash away my sins.

When we all are desperately crawling,
why are angels nowhere to be seen?
Where have all our guardian angels been
when we've been calling their names in pain?
is it possible that they can't see,
See all our pain and our misery?
is it possible that no one hears
our hopeless screams and our desperate tears?
Are people on their own? Are we all alone?
Have my dreams all broken? Have my angels fallen?

By the time you have read this im already dead,
the floor around me has turned crimson red.
My pain has ended and so has my life,
with a cut across the throat with a long sharp knife.
Please do not cry, do not grieve for me ,
all my hopes have been achieved.
All I wanted was to die, now it has happened
im saying goodbye.

I used to have feelings, but you destroyed them. Now I feel nothing.
I thought you were my light, how could i be so blind?
Cause you were the shadow that made my soul and spirit so dark.
You said you couldn't see my heart broken, so when you broke it
did you close your eyes? I loved you, but now I hate you so bad.
I hate myself for believing in you...but I don't wish you death.
I wish you a long life, full of misery and pain.
You made me suffer so much, only pain is what you left behind.
You were the reason for my tears, now my inside is dry.
You made me so cold, now I cannot feel love, I cannot cry.
Love no longer exists in my heart. Sunshine cannot lighten my dark days.
Now loneliness surrounds me, and I have no more tears to cry.
I'm so lonely. My heart is bleeding, emptiness fills me.
Fear grips my mind, deaths icy hands hold my heart.
There's no more hope in my eyes, being full of pain becomes my life.

Ei kopiontia, oikeudet on mulla :P
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »