

Minä ja muut
Käyntejä: 2 448 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
8 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 6 (75 %)
Poikia: 2 (25 %)
31,8 vuotta
Otos: 4 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 27,9 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 43,4 vuotta

Jäsenet (8)

Glitter venus beautifully Glitter venus goldenly
The one who lights up my heart is you, the girl with the best smileBeing jealous of that pretty girl If only I could be reborn into a girl like her
With the mistaken idea that life may have been a little differentThere also can't be two of the same people I am only charmed by one and only smile in the worldrefrain:
Shine venus innocently Shine venus proudly
Brighten up this world with just your light
Glitter venus beautifully Glitter venus goldenly
The one who lights up my heart is you, the girl with the best smileDoing your nails along with your gaudy make-up Even if you feel that you've become a popular girl
You worry that something is wrong You also don't want to lie, right?If I can't love my plain self Theres no way I can love someone elseFlourish venus pure heartedly The flickering venus is romance
I'll fall in love with you whom I love
Don't look at me with that gaze of your sparkling moist eyes
The one who burns my heart is you, the girl with the best smileI want to say to just you, who was not afraid of laughing
And held your courage "You did your best didn't you"refrainYou are my sun ♥

ashtiHEHEHEHEELuonut: ashtiKeskiviikko 31.03.2010 16:07

mene googlen etusivulle ja kirjoita "lol limewire" ja paina "kokeilen onneani" :D

coc4inecowboyRyOsUkE<3<3<3<3<3Luonut: coc4inecowboyPerjantai 12.03.2010 21:53

vmiina-[ ismo laitela ]Luonut: vmiina-Torstai 11.03.2010 18:19

Olisitko elämäni, viimeinen elämäni rakkaus? <3

envysdAlesana - Early morningLuonut: envysdSunnuntai 06.12.2009 03:37

Last night I forgot how the sound your voice whispered sweet
Goodbyes, your eyes left to die
I'm alone too
I don't stand why

Why not one more night
one last kiss good bye
my sweet love tonight
I hope the stars still spell out your name where you are...

Kiss my closings eyes
Help me sleep without you I'm so lost
Tonight I cry
Tell me why
I can't live without your warm embrace


I close my eyes and you are everything I see

Goodbye to you my love
I will forget you
I'll see you soon
Goodbye my love
Goodbye to you my love
I will forget you
Let me live

henäihanaa biisi.Luonut: henäPerjantai 20.11.2009 20:22

This is not really me
You're an angel not asking who I am
You understand
That is not really you
You look at me as if I'm something more
Well dream on

Welcome to my life
You see it is not easy
But I'm doing all right
Welcome to my dream
It's the only one who needs me
And stays right by my side

Welcome to my wonderland
It'll take time to find out where we stand
In all this mess
There was the first day for me too
And I had no guide and I was lost like you
I still am

But it makes me feel alive

Welcome to my life...

Once upon a time there was a guy
Who thought life is a joyride of ladies and red wine
He was so sure he'd get the prices and the glory with his rhymes
He'd never need no one to be there beside him
Now they're all surrounding me and I feel lonely
So lonely

nora-julia!! kaveriiLuonut: nora-juliaTiistai 03.11.2009 23:55

Heidiä- onki kiva kaverii:)
oijjoijoiijjjj meil on niin kivaa sun kanssaaa :P

_hennisaw ♥Luonut: _hennisLauantai 10.10.2009 22:14


JoNnAsIChorale - UniviidakkoLuonut: JoNnAsISunnuntai 27.09.2009 04:09

Sinne kaivannut oon
sun kanssas kaksin kulkemaan
Tahdo herätä en
täällä uneksien
on hyvä jatkaa elämää
Sinne kaivannut oon

Yön pimeydessä mietin mihin painan pään
kun katson ympärille vain varjoja mä nään
Sieltä se saapuu ja vie mut mennessään
tuo valo kaunis, jonka aina unessa mä nään

Se saapuu ja vie mut mukanaan
aina ihmeelliseen unimaailmaan

sinne kaivannut oon

Taas päivä ohi on ja ootan iltaa alkavaa
Toivon samaa unta jossa joku muakin rakastaa
Uni painaa luomet kii en enää vastustella voi
kun valo kaunis mieleeni taas hiljaa tulla voi

