

Elämänkatsomus ja filosofia
Käyntejä: 15 602 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 25
474 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 262 (56 %)
Poikia: 212 (44 %)
35,0 vuotta
Otos: 255 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 33,5 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 36,6 vuotta

Jäsenet (474)


annicaaw-Luonut: annicaawSunnuntai 22.08.2010 03:36

Heaven on Earth, we need it now
I'm sick of all of this hanging around
Sick of sorrow, sick of the pain
I'm sick of hearing again and again
That there's gonna be peace on Earth.

ollenkeli[Ei aihetta]Luonut: ollenkeliMaanantai 05.10.2009 18:38


kaurakahvi Luonut: kaurakahviKeskiviikko 23.09.2009 23:08

aldrielRantLuonut: aldrielTorstai 09.07.2009 20:52

People are stupid, two-faced prejudiced bastards who think they can run my life the way they see fit because they once had something to do with me, well guess what?
It's not going to work that way, I'm not going to do what you tell me because I have a free will, and a life of my own. So just go fuck yourselves.
And enjoy your materialistic way of life. Seems like in today's world the only thing that matters is money, nothing else has value.

What happened to values, moral fiber and caring for the people that are close to you?
I never wanted it to be this way, but it happened because too many people are trying to get me to behave in their eyes in a socially acceptable way, I am what I am and I do as I please.

The only thing I see in today's world is backstabbing, for the cause of being "successful". Whats the use in success when nobody cares for you anymore? You get to the top of the ladder just to see that you're alone up there. Enjoy your rat-race, you deserve it.

Also destroying nature's beauty just for the cause of success is retarded. People need to learn to appreciate nature, just for once, go for a walk in the woods or what ever, get away from the big cities and concrete jungles, but I guess today's folk won't manage in the nature without electricity or plumbing.

Stupid fucks I say.

Emie[Ei aihetta]Luonut: EmieKeskiviikko 24.06.2009 00:54

Tällaisina päivinä tuntuu kuin olisin kiinteytynyttä syklotrimetyleenitrinitramiinia,
ja melkein mikä tahansa vähänkin ikävä kommentti jonkin ihmisolennon suusta saa lämpötilani putoamaan -5 celsiusasteeseen.

Hanne^_^Huhhuh...Luonut: Hanne^_^Torstai 18.06.2009 21:51

vittu mitä paskaa....

ei siis koskaan enää kannata edes yrittää mitään..... aina vaan sattuu...

aldrielVoihan vitun vittuLuonut: aldrielMaanantai 01.06.2009 00:04

Onpahan taas perseestä kaikki.

Jos vaa räjäyttäis ton auton ni ei tarttis senkään kanssa tapella.

Ja myös kaikki muu paska, EN JAKSA.

SipherLöytyipähän taas...Luonut: SipherPerjantai 22.05.2009 04:49

Niin eli jos uskot joulupukkiin tai oikeastaan mihinkään niin älä lue ja K-18 ihan siksi että en ole vastuussa jos tämä taas jonkun yöunet vie tai järkyttää...

The stoning of DuÂ’a Khalil Aswad, teenage girl from Kurdistan, Iraq took place on April 7, 2007. People who stoned DuÂ’a Khalil Aswad to death refer to such stoning as honor killing. As you can see in the video, the most shocking part of honor killing is how ecstatic everyone is about killing a girl. The video was recorded with a cell phone camera so the footage is not the greatest, however you can see the police standing around and doing absolutely nothing while a defenseless 17-year-old girl is being stoned. The onlookers smile like itÂ’s the RC helicopter demo theyÂ’re watching. But most of all - the executioners themselves cheer as life of DuÂ’a Khalil Aswad is ended with heavy stones dropped on her head. ItÂ’s like this honor killing was the highlight of their year. They all got together to watch the spectacle, everyone seems to enjoy it, and not one moves a finger to try to stop this gruesome ritual.

DuÂ’a Khalil Aswad was stoned to death because she fell in love with a boy of a different religion. Her family as well as local religious leaders felt shamed by her behavior and executed this honor killing - to literally do her a favor by ending her life for stumbling off the right path. Some reports say that the reason behind the stoning of DuÂ’a Khalil Aswad was her conversion to Islam from Yazidi faith. However according to locals, her Sunni Muslim boyfriend confirmed that she had never converted to Islam, rather she was stoned because she failed to return home one night.

The stoning took place in the town square of Bashika, in Ninawa Governorate, Iraq. Thousands of attackers reportedly gathered round for the stoning. DuÂ’a Khalil Aswad was being stoned for approximately 30 minutes, during which she was taunted by the crowd. As can be seen in the video, attackers are kicking her while sheÂ’s lying in the dirt, while several people try to get their best cell phone shots of her. With her face full of blood, she attempts to sit up and call for help, but countless kicks keep coming from every direction and large chunks of stone are being thrown at her head. Then a big concrete block is dropped on her head and DuÂ’a Khalil Aswad no longer moves. When the block is dropped the second time, her skull gets obviously crushed as can be guessed by large amount of blood that starts gushing from her head.

One would think the honor killing would end at this moment, but this wasnÂ’t the end for DuÂ’a Khalil Aswad. After she was stoned to death, her body was tied to a car and dragged through the streets of Bashika. She was the allegedly buries along with the dead dog to show that she was worthless. Medico-Legal Institute in Mosul exhumed her body at a later date to test whether DuÂ’a Khalil Aswad was still a virgin. Autopsy performed revealed that DuÂ’a Khalil Aswad in fact died a virgin. The worst part for me is the fact that people who stoned her to death probably think to this day that this honor killing was the right thing that helped save her soul.

Taas tuli todistettua kuinka mukavia me ihmiset oikein olemme... Ja tarina on kuvaus videosta. Linkkiä en anna enkä kuvia...

Tarkoituksena ei ole provosoida, järkyttää eikä loukata kenenkään tunteita/muistoa vaan nostaa kissa pöydälle ja tuoda brutaali totuus julki. Tätä on kunniamurha, ettäs tiedätte...

\_Tommi-Pää hajoaa!Luonut: \_Tommi-Perjantai 22.05.2009 03:26

"Tapa kaikki! Myös itsesi!"

Ei miestä ei ongelmaa, eikö?

\_Tommi-I hate you, humanity!Luonut: \_Tommi-Torstai 21.05.2009 21:59

And I hate the world too!