


on mulla unelma...

Some kind of conversationLauantai 16.06.2007 01:02

You: Hi. How are you nowadays?

Me: Hi. I'm pretty fine thanks, how are you?
(Why do you even ask? Why do I even ask..don't tell, I don't wanna hear)
Y: Oh, there's so many things going on in my life now..My girlfriend is pregnant and I'm bout to be a father. And we have moved to own house in the countryside.

M: Oh, gongratulations! How far along is she?*smiling and hugging*
(great..that fucking bitch who stole you)

Y: 6th month..I'm so excited!
M: Great..(I'm gonna kill that bitch who is living trough OUR dreams)
Y: about you?
M: I'm just fine..New job and I have dated couple of interesting guys. (yeah, in my dreams)
Y: Glad to hear..But I gotta go..See you!
M: See you..(in the next lifetime)

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