
lääkkeet? LÄÄKKEET!Maanantai 05.05.2008 00:19

20.02.08 23:12 <{shm}> mut siis asiaaan
20.02.08 23:12 <{shm}> ollaan suht upeit. suht. parepiakin vois olla, NOOT ;D
20.02.08 23:13 <{shm}> eiks täs mestas ollu se cute waiter boy joka katto vähä oudosti ku käytii vaihtaa vaatteet vessas :D ja sit oli muutenki aik shy :D me vaa räkätettiin ja se ujosteli xD
20.02.08 23:14 <{shm}> mut my point is
20.02.08 23:14 <{shm}> oh the times we had ;D
20.02.08 23:14 <{shm}> JA
20.02.08 23:14 <{shm}> HALUUN TON RUSKETUKSEN BÄCK
20.02.08 23:14 <{shm}> NIIKU ÄN YY TEE NY
20.02.08 23:14 <{shm}> ps. T
20.02.08 23:15 <{shm}> psst. näit ne ei voi viedä ;D on liia hottii settii ;D
20.02.08 23:16 <{shm}> psst. voidaanko nyt sopia et oon korvannu ne kadonneet kommentit ;)
20.02.08 23:17 <{shm}> JOO EI ANTANU MEILLE VETTÄ. saatana :D
20.02.08 23:20 <{shm}> JOO vttu se oli sadistinen paska ku ei tuonu tytöille ees ruokaa!

olipa kerran la iltaSunnuntai 20.04.2008 17:44

katri: on varmaan rankkaa olla noin lyhyt.. Siis miehen!

Katri: eiks tää ollukaan dtm?

Katri vanhasta naisesta baarissa: se on vähän niiku junaonnettomuus, sitä vaan jää kattomaan.

Helmi <3

lakki 31.5.08. kakkua ja skumppaa!Tiistai 08.04.2008 17:16

the AA? anyone? :'DSunnuntai 06.04.2008 20:48

"mut ens vkl sit, jos otat vähä vähemmän..."

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 18.03.2008 01:52


1. Don't ever lie to us, we always find out.
2. We don't enjoy talking dirty to you as much as you enjoy listening.
3. Don't say you understand when you don't.
4. Girls are petty, get over it.
5. You don't have PMS; don't act like you know what it's like.
6. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook; doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.
7. If you talk about having a big dick, we know you don't.
8. Zit's happen to everyone. Yes, Mr. Perfect, even to you.
9. We don't like it when you act like Mr Big; we like it when you are Mr Big.
10.A system in your car only impresses your homeboys.
11. No matter what you say, your ex girlfriend is a pig.
12. It's good to be sensitive, sometimes.
13. If you did something wrong or even if you didn't, apologize.
14. Be spontaneous, dinner and a movie won't always cut it.
15. We are self-conscious by nature, we can't help it.
16. We are drama queens.
17. Fashion police do exist.
18. Don't ask us to give head; if you are nice you just might get it.
19. We absolutely do not care about monster trucks, or anything else you and your friends talk about, like: how much you know about the video games, porn, computers, Star Wars, etc.
20. Hugs and kisses must be given at all times.
21. We don't shave our legs every day, get over it.
22. Don't make bets about us, we always find out.
23. Shave - no matter how cool you think it looks, we hate it.
24. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emit other strange gases from your body, it's not.
25. Don't compare our breasts with Brittany Spear's, hers are fake.
26. It is not cool to shoot snot rockets.
27. We are beautiful, but make-up helps. (All girls love makeup, do not call us prissy or tell us we worry to much about the way we look for wearing it.)
28. We will always think we are fat so humor us and tell us we aren't.
29. It doesn't make you look cool to make fun of someone else.
30. If you ever beat us in a sport or game, it's always because you cheated, even if you didn't.

musta lista <3 love itMaanantai 17.03.2008 18:07

ei kiinnosta.Lauantai 15.03.2008 03:09

s: hei ens ke k on sun syndet ja yo:t ohi, nii olisko parit illal mitään?
k: joo hei hyvä idis, mut olisko kannulliset paremmat?
s: JOO!

<3 beib <3Lauantai 08.03.2008 20:22

Katri sanoo:
täst edes vaan viinaa ja salia :D

ilmasen viinan bileet (Y)Lauantai 01.03.2008 16:49

uhanalainen separian murmeli ja ja kengät joit varten on tapettu ainaki 50 seepraa, tiikeriä ja yks norsu ;D

perjantai duh ;D