
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 24.12.2006 13:13

Rauhallista Joulua kaikille! :)

!Sälät!Perjantai 15.12.2006 16:24

Kaupasta löytyy uusia sälä tuotteita. Martti, Kilppari, Elvis ja Mörriäinen, jotka olen tehnyt! :) Jos haluatte omanne, käykääpä sieltä kurkkaamassa. ^^

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 08.12.2006 20:35

Kiitos sille, joka ilmiantoi mun "mustanlistan" ;D Kolahtiko liian kovaa? x)) Vois kyllä ehkä arvata kuka on ollut kyseessä! Voi pientä.. Ei kannattaisi aukoa sitä päätään, kun ei kestä seurauksia. ;))

Scary little girl.. =/Tiistai 12.09.2006 00:07

A girl died in 1933 by a homicidal murderer. He buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murdered chanted, "Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl.

In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this to your diary, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded.

Että tämmöistä heksha..Torstai 07.09.2006 19:37

Noora päätti pamahtaa eloon maailmaan eräänä kylmänä aamuyönä. Savun haihduttua näki että hänestä tuli ihminen.. Perhe oli kuuluisa ja he söivät vain perunankuoria. Koulussa hän ei kyennyt mihinkään, mutta siellä häntä ihailtiin.

Jo opiskeluaikoina häntä alkoi oksettamaan pakettiliimat, niinpä rakkaaksi harrastukseksi tuli possut.

Noora kehittyi kolmannellakymmenellä varsin kiintoisaksi. Päähänsä hän sai punaiset hiukset, sekä punaiset silmät.
Uskomattomuudesta huolimatta hän oli hyvin paholainen. Lempiruokaansa näkkileipää ja vihanneksia hän sai työskennellen kusilaarinpesijänä.

Noora ei käytä nuuskaa mutta polttaa tupakkaa joka lauantai. Alkoholia hän juo parvekkeella.

Hän sai itselleen puolison jonka kanssa meni hulluttaan naimisiin.

Kaikki seitsemän lempi syntiämme. ^^Sunnuntai 13.08.2006 21:43

VIHA = Wrath (Latinaksi: ira)
KATEUS = Envy (Latinaksi: invidia)
IRSTAUS = Lust (Latinaksi: luxuria)
LAISKUUS = Sloth (Latinaksi: acedia)
AHNEUS = Greed/Avarice (Latinaksi: avaritia)
KOHTUUTTOMUUS = Gluttony (Latinaksi: gula)
YLPEYS (turhamaisuus) = Pride (Latinaksi: superbia)

Elämän hienoja tosiasioita. ^^Perjantai 11.08.2006 05:28

Seems pretty obvious, right? You'd be amazed how many people overlook this. Here is a secret tip for you: did you know that you don't have to be tired or drowsy to sleep? I bet you didn't. Don't stay up thinking something cool is going to happen. Don't go hang out with people who suck as much as you. You know nothing cool will happen. It never does. But you waste your time like a moron going "out" and coming back with no satisfaction whatsoever. Why not just stay home and sleep? Your bed is warm, and nobody can bother you. You can't be frustrated with trying to do anything cool, because you never attempted anything to begin with.

Sleep eighteen hours a day if you can get away with it. Sleep any place where you know you will not get sodomized. You know you don't have to be social if your eyes are closed. I have learned that if people think you're sleeping, they won't try to talk to you. You know how much you hate that interaction thing. Plus, when you sleep, you'll feel better. For all the hours you've wasted doing nothing, you could do something that makes you happy. Just accept that you will die a worthless piece of shit having contributed nothing worthwhile to this hypocritical shithole society. It makes doing nothing so much easier. They don't deserve your brilliance anyway."

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.08.2006 07:56

"To be nobody, but yourself, in a world which is doing its best,
every night and every day, trying to make you like everyone else,
means you have to fight the hardest battle a human being can fight..
And you can not stop fighting"

-E.E. Cummings

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 04.08.2006 18:44

Nooran tatskamalli (tiedetään ettei se ole kovin kummonen, vaan ihan pikainen "luonnostelu": ||MaGNe

mutta silti siitä näyttää olevan hieman muokattu kopio: E|||||i

I Don't Wanna Be MeLauantai 29.07.2006 04:16

I don't wanna be me anymore

Ever throwing at his home
Two glass houses, twenty stones
Fourteen yellow, six are blue
Could it be worse... quite doubtful

Two steps forward, three steps back
Without warning, heart attack
He fell asleep in the snow
Never woke up, died alone

Please don't dress in black
When you're at his wake
Don't go there to mourn
But to celebrate

I don't want to be me...

-Type o negative

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