


I say it once , I say it twice , I say it a thousand fucking times.

Pendulum-Tarantula<3Lauantai 26.07.2008 21:30

näin on meinaan juu;D<3Torstai 24.07.2008 02:18

meil on levottomat peput,levottomat peput,levottomat peput,levottomat peput,leevoottooomaat!<33
ja näin ne heiluuuuu...diibadaabadaa...keik keik!;D

-Levottomien peppujen ryhmä-

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 22.07.2008 20:51

-I never wanted anybody more,then I wanted you....
I know the only thing I ever really loved,was hate..

-Get off of me..and get away!

-You call a heart..

-Scream like you never have before..
Scream till you can't scream anymore..
Scream like you throat is bleeding..
Scream till your heart stops beating..

-Put me in a homemade cellar..
Put me in a hole for shelter..
Someone hear me please..
All I see is hate..
I can hardly breathe..
And I can hardly take it..
I have never feel so final..
Somebody find me please..
I am fucking gone..
I think I'm fucking dying..
You all stare,but you'll never see..
There is something inside me..

- Corey -

Slipknot-Psychososial video!<3Tiistai 22.07.2008 20:37

upeaa katsottavaa...<33
beibet..ikävä tulee,mutta heyy..eihän se tampere niin kauhian kaukana ole?;D

SlipKnoT!Keskiviikko 09.07.2008 04:27

liput saatiin!kohta näkyy!<323

tänään<3Lauantai 28.06.2008 05:08

oli kivaa...ajeltiin..paljon tuttuja<3

Joku hemmetin WB....Lauantai 28.06.2008 05:08