



23 days left!Tiistai 29.05.2007 10:32

omg, i cant believe this! 23 days left of my year, im gonna freak out! seriously, im so emotional all the time, so mixed feelings,, im so excited to see all of you and at the same time im leaving back so big part of my life and there's no re-entry to this life.. i dunno what to do. barb is leaving in two weeks! two weeks! what im gonna do? rite now im all the time hangin out with her or if not, we're talking on the phone :D. and all the other guys... oh maaan, this is tough. but im so happy that i have so nice ppl there in finland waiting for me and i know we're gonna have the best summer ever! <3 but before that, i need to deal with so many things... maybe it makes me stronger mentally.
anyways, see you my super finnish ppl in a few days! <33333333
luv ya all <3

w/ love, Petra the Beautiful

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