


"Wake up and live " -Bob Marley

JOO-oo, ENKUN TUNTI : DMaanantai 27.10.2008 19:03

It was dark and stormy night, there was so dark that you can see anything. I walked downstairs to drink something, then i heard "nok nok" i keep walking and voice become louder and louder, then i saw a small ladybird. It has big theet and yellow eyes. And it was drinking my f*ckin beers! I went to take my shotgun and i tried to kill that b*st*rd, but then it fly away. It looks so beautiful and my penis looks blue because i shot it in accident and finally i drank rest of beers and ate some pizza.!

ps. turha käydä valittaa kielioppivirheistä/virheistä ylipäätään :D tarina oli vaan pieni muotoinen läppä joka synty tavanomaisesta tehtävästä englannin tunnilla... :))))

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