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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 09.09.2008 00:13

JEEE koulun vaihto!

Don't hesitate & Go..Sunnuntai 07.09.2008 04:43

Say "yes" don't grumble. Once again. Okay, not bad.
I kiss you on the forehead as reward.

Blow over. Yes, a storm is over, this trade will be game over..

They'll learn much more than I'll never know

edellinen biisi englanniks... ah.. :)Sunnuntai 07.09.2008 02:28

( Who Are You? )

Disappoint... resignation... anxious... alienation...
desperate... isolation... envious...

Season's greetings amigo,
Don't be too tense.
Let's take it easy.
"Re-la-pa-pa-re-lax lady"
Do not worry Relax your shoulders, see?

You're freezing aren't you? You're shaking aren't you?

Mirror mirror on the wall, Please answer me
"Yes, what is it? What's the matter?"
What should I do to make me not myself?
"That's simple."
It's so easy

How's it going buddy,
Take that sour look off your face,
it's unhealthy for you.
"Re-la-pa-pa-re-lax lady"
Take it easy Take a deep breath, see?

You're suffering aren't you? You're struggling aren't you?

Mirror mirror on the wall, Please tell me
"What's up? What's matter?"
What should I do to make me more like myself?
"That's simple."
It's so easy

"I envy dream..."

Ah-hah, You're scared aren't you? You're backing down aren't you?
Instead of mumbling it, why don't you say it loud and clear?

"I want to be to me free to me!"

"That's them, this is us."
That's what mommy used to say, when you can't even see the neighbor's lawn.

Mirror mirror on the wall, Please disappear
"Oh now why would you say that? What's matter?"
I am me, you are you, isn't it so?
"That's simple."
It's so easy

ah! tarttuva... :)Sunnuntai 07.09.2008 01:49

Miyavi - Jibun Kakumei

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 07.09.2008 01:48

Luokkakokous oli muuten yllättävän mukava tuli juttuun kaikkien kaa ja silleen :)
Mitä muuts siihen olis sit enää muka kaivannu...? Vähän kävi sääliks sitä ruoka määrää mikä meille oli varattu...

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 06.09.2008 16:34

jaahas tänäään pitäis sit men ala-asteen luokkakokouksee.. huoh..

voi nyt per....!Keskiviikko 03.09.2008 21:15

Naaah! ei tod naurat enään nää mun koulu tehtävät on ihan bebasta...

AH!Keskiviikko 03.09.2008 18:55

Jesh! Uus tukka tuli eilen ..tai no vanha takasin.. Ja uudet housut! Päivityksiä kuviin siis luvassa.. :P