


We fight for the dream, we fight to the death we fight for control!

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

Ashtray girl sanoo:
teru is a sweety little Uke who seems to be hyperactive XDD
Ashtray girl sanoo:
and kamjo well he is like a gentleman or sumthing XD
Juunanagou17 ~*~ The Master of Rape ~*~ sanoo:
that doesn't help me
Juunanagou17 ~*~ The Master of Rape ~*~ sanoo:
Juunanagou17 ~*~ The Master of Rape ~*~ sanoo:
Juunanagou17 ~*~ The Master of Rape ~*~ sanoo:
Kamijo: Since I find you so completely gentle and adorable... would you please excuse me to rape you *bow*?
Teru: wtf o.O???

Ei se kyl varmaa kirjota sitä ;;--;; Nyyh ;;--;;

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