
Muahahaa. Elefantteja.Tiistai 06.01.2009 23:58

Q: What do elephants do in the forest between 12 and 1pm?
A: Their parachute training jumps.
Q: Why are crocodiles flat?
A: They crossed the forest between 12 and 1pm.
Q: How do you put a white elephant into a refrigerator?
A: Open the refrigerator door. Put in white elephant. Close door.
Q: How do you put a blue elephant into a refrigerator?
A: Open the refrigerator door. Take out the white elephant. Put in the blue elephant. Close door.
Q: The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend, except one. Which animal does not attend?
A: The blue elephant because it is still in the refrigerator.
Q: There is a river you must cross, but it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it?
A: You can just swim across because all the crocodiles are at the Lion King's conference.
Q: How did the elephant get out of attending the Lion King's conference?
A: He painted his toenails red and hid in a cherry tree.
Q: If you're walking through the jungle and hear a loud screeching noise, what is it?
A: Giraffes picking cherries for the Lion King's conference.

And toinen.

Q: How many elephants will fit into a Mini?
A: Four: Two in the front, two in the back.
Q: How many giraffes will fit into a Mini?
A: None. It's full of elephants.
Q: How do you get two whales in a Mini?
A: Along the M4 and across the Severn Bridge.[1]
Q: How do you know there are two elephants in your refrigerator?
A: You can hear giggling when the light goes out.
Q: How do you know there are three elephants in your refrigerator?
A: You can't close the door.
Q: How do you know there are four elephants in your refrigerator?
A: The Mini is parked outside.
Q: How do you know if there is an elephant under the bed?
A: Your nose is touching the ceiling.

And kolmas eli the viimeinen.

Q: How do you shoot a pink elephant?
A: With a pink elephant gun.
Q: How do you shoot a blue elephant?
A: Hold its trunk until it turns pink, and shoot it with a pink elephant gun.
Q: How do you shoot a green elephant?
A: Don't be ridiculous, there's no such thing as a green elephant!

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