
[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 18.06.2008 05:16

Olipa kiva ilta voi jumalauta.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 17.06.2008 15:21

Hihi. Eilinen oli kiva. : )

The All American Rejects - The Last SongMaanantai 16.06.2008 05:19

This may be the last thing that I write for long
Can you hear me smiling when I sing this song, for you and only you

As I leave will you be someone to say good-bye
As I leave will you be someone to wipe your eye
My foot is out the door, and you can't stop me now

You wanted the best, it wasn't me, will you give it back
Now I'll take the lead, when there's no more room to make it grow
I'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive, is this what you want
Is this what you need, how you end up let me know.

As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope, that you will miss me when
I'm gone
This is the last song

The hearts start breaking as the year is gone
The dream's beginning and the time rolls on
It seems so surreal, now I sing it.
Somehow I knew that it would be this way,
Somehow I knew that it would slowly fade.
Now I am gone, just try and stop me now.

You wanted the best, it wasn't me, will you give it back
Now I'll take the lead, when there's no more room to make it grow
I'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive, is this what you want
Is this what you need, how you end up let me know.

As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope, that you will miss me when
I'm gone
This is the last song

And will you need me now, you'll find a way somehow
You want it too, I want it too.

As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope, that you will miss me when
I'm gone
This is the last song

One boy, one girl, two hearts, their world
Time goes by, secrets rise
One more, sad song, tears shed, she's gone
She'd take it back, if she only could

All the perfect words they seem so wrong,
She's gone
You wish that you could learn to see,
The door is closed and yo wish you could be

Alone with you, alone with me
What can I do, I can not breath
My heart is torn, for all to see
Alone with you, alone with me.

Best friend, worst thing, she's been, cheating
Friend deceives, she leaves
Last date. she cries, whispers, goodbye
She walks once more, out that door

All the perfect words they seem so wrong,
She's gone
You wish that you could learn to see,
The door is closed and you wish you could be

Alone with you, alone with me
What can I do, I can not breath
My heart is torn, for all to see
Alone with you, alone with me.

Please stay, don't go away
The hardest thing is letting go of you
Stay, don't go away
The hardest thing is letting go of you
what can I do?

Alone with you, alone with me, what can I do
I can not see, alone with, alone with...

Viivi idiootti : D:D Maanantai 16.06.2008 02:34

tear. sanoo:
JOOO :D: D d
viivi sanoo:
miks aina laitat noita tauravia niin paljo =<
tear. sanoo:

Eysneckin persoonallisuus testi : Maanantai 16.06.2008 00:05

Käytit testin tekemiseen 6 minuuttia 21 sekuntia.

84% (16/19) - Ulospäinsuuntautuneisuus
Seurallinen, pitää juhlimisesta, keskustelee, kaipaa jännitystä, ottaa riskejä, toimii hetken mielijohteesta.
40% (8/20) - Psykoottisuus
Piittaamattomuus muista ihmisistä, eristäytyminen, sopeutumattomuus, empatian puute, vihamielisyys, piittaamattomuus vaarasta, julmuus, epäinhimillisyys.
83% (19/23) - Neuroottisuus
Ahdistunut, huolestunut, masentunut, mielialan vaihtelu, syyllisyyden tunteet ja alhainen itsetunto.
21% (5/24) - Valheasteikko
Mittaa taipumusta antaa vastauksissaan itsestään todellista terveempi tai sosiaalisesti suotavampi kuva.

Temptation - Cradle of Filth D: Lauantai 14.06.2008 15:20

I've never been closer
of trying to understand
That certain feeling
Carved by another's hand
But it's too late to hesitate
We can't keep on living like this

Leave no track
Don't look back

All I desire
Keep climbing higher and higher
Adorable creatures
With unacceptable features
And trouble is coming
It's just the high cost of loving
You can take it or leave it
But you'd better believe it

You've got to make me an offer
That cannot be ignored
So let's head for home now
Everything I'll have is yours
Step by step and day by day
Every second counts I can't break away

Leave no trace
Gaurd your face

Full of desire
Keep climbing higher and higher
And you can take it or leave it
But you'd better believe it

Step by step
And day by day
Every second counts
I can't break away

Keep us from temptation
Lead us not into temptation
Trying to find it
You've got to get up behind it
Put your dime in the hot slots
But it's a million to one shots
You think that you're right now
Your gonna make it tonight now
Give me a breakdown
Because it's time for a shakedown

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 13.06.2008 04:52

Perjantai 13.

Yhteishakujen tulokset+Päättämisen vaikeus [kummastaki päätöksestä ongelmia]

^Hienoin yhtälö ehkä ikinä.

Meritta. <33 rakkaus.Torstai 12.06.2008 23:28

"oot mun oma enkeli, muista se. rakastan sua enemmän ku omaa lastani<3"

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 11.06.2008 03:24

On ollu tosi sateinen päivä. Masentavaa.
Oon itkeny ainakin kolme litraa jo. En tiedä miks.
Varmaankin osa syy on se että yhdellä maailman tärkeimmällä ihmisellä
on tosi paha mieli. Oon jutellu puhelimessa ihan kauheesti tärkeiden ihmisten kanssa.
Uskomatonta miten voi olla tällanen olo.
Menin viime yönä, tai no aamuna nukkumaan joskus yheltätoista.
Olin juonu liikaa kahvia niin ei aiemmin tullu uni silmään.
Heräsin sitten viittä vaille neljä iltapäivällä.

Olin äsken tupakalla tuossa parvekkeella ja mietin vaan kaikkee.
Tuli viime kesän fiilis vähän, siis tosi vähän.
Siellä on viilee, pimee ilma. Ja se tekee minut vielä väsyneemmäks.
Minusta tuntuu että tänä yönä saatan unohtaa kaikki minun unettomuuden syyt,
ja ehkä nukahtaa jopa ihan hyvissä ajoin. Ehkä.
Mulle on toivotettu jo monesti hyvää yötä, ja kauniita unia.
Aika sekavaa tekstiä taas. Mieli on ihan rikki,
en jaksa ajatella.
Ehkä minäki oon vähän rikki. Tai paljon,
ei voi tietää. Angst.