
[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 08.08.2009 22:43

AAAAAAA latasin ton Unapain koneelle ja luin sen äske. Q~Q
Se oli jotai niin sairasta, mut se loppu......<3 ;~~~;

Guroa, suolia, verta, sadismia... Ei alaikäisille, kuka välittää.

LOPPU oli joku edhvdsofjrhgnfd TT^TT <3
Aaarghh näin viisaana menin ettiin vähä enemmä juttua yhestä mangasta joho eilen törmäsin, googletin sen, ja yhen ainoan kuvan jälkee oliki sellane fiilis pari tuntia et kohta pitää rynnätä vessaan oksentaa... xD Ja kuten sanoin, nyt viisaana, meninpä taas.

Uteliaisuus on viel kuolemaks.

Pummasin Mutsulta...Lauantai 08.08.2009 17:06


[x] You watch(ed) anime.
[x] You read manga.
[x] You buy/collect anime DVDs or manga volumes.
[x] You own some other form of anime/manga merchandise.
[x] You have referred to an anime character as 'hot' before.
[ ] You have cosplayed.
[ ] You have done so in public.
[x] You have been to an anime/manga convention.
[x] You have created/joined a fanclub for an anime/manga character.
[ ] You have created/joined a hateclub for an anime/manga character.
[ ] You have squealed when you found out somebody had the same name as an anime character you knew.
[x] You enjoy(ed) drawing manga/anime.
[ ] People you know know you as the 'anime' person.
[ ] You know that it is pronounced 'mawnguh' and not 'manga' like it is spelled.



[x] You like art.
[x] You actually consider yourself an artist.
[x] When using art supplies, the brand of them matters to you.
[ ] You have a favorite brand.
[x] You have asked for art supplies as a Christmas/birthday gift before.
[x] You give people your drawings as gifts.
[x] People actually ask for your drawings.
[ ] You are/were known as 'the art person' at your school.
[½] Instead of just 'brown' or ' pink', you'd be specific; it's 'sienna brown' or 'blush pink'.
[x] You have taken an art class outside of school.
[x] You have considered a career as an artist.
[x] Your school papers are always covered in doodles.
[x] You have a favorite artist.
[x] Your drawings have been framed.
[ ] You carry a sketchbook with you everywhere you go.



[x] You play a musical instrument.
[ ] You play(ed) more than one instrument.
[x] You actually really enjoy playing your instrument
[ ] You've given your instrument a name.
[ ] You've participated in an extracurricular activity for your instrument.
[ ] You are known by what you play.
[ ] You listen to classical music.
[x] You are wondering whether that refers to the classical music genre or the classical music time period.
[x] You have a favorite composer.
[ ] All of your friends are from your band/orchestra class.
[x] You write music.
[x] You've had discussions with your friends about music; your favorite composers/instruments/musical time periods/key/etc...
[x] You have considered a professional career with your instrument.
[ ] You are never nervous playing for other people.



[x] You play video games.
[ ] You own more than 4 different video game systems.
[x] You've had debates over which system is the greatest.
[½] You play video games every day.
[x] You have played a video game for over 10 hours.-
[x] You have songs from your favorite video games on your MP3.
[x] You love to talk about video games.
[ ] You memorize the dates for when a new game is being released.
[ ] People know you as the 'gamer' person.
[ ] You spend more time on video games than you do hanging out with friends.
[x] Your gaming system is in your room.
[ ] You have preferences when it comes to what company your game came from.
[ ] You've had debates over which company is the best.
[x] You keep playing a game until you beat it.
[ ] It makes you angry when you found out somebody looked up cheat codes on the internet to beat their game.



[x] You use the computer every day.
[x] You have an account/username on some sort of social website.
[ ] You go into random internet chatrooms.
[x] You spend at least 2 hours a day on the computer.
[ ] You use computer faces.
[x] It is hard to go a day without using the computer.
[ ] You spend time in online forums.
[x] In the forum/chatroom you use, you are known there by everyone else.
[x] You have friends you have only met online.
[x] You have/have had a girlfriend/boyfriend you have only met online.
[x] You have actually met an online friend in person.
[x] U cn ezly rd 'txttlk.'
[x] You have said 'lol' or 'omg' in speech that is not online.
[ ] You can type really, really fast.


Art Nerd - 11½
Computer Nerd - 10
Anime Nerd - 8
Video Game Nerd - 7½
Musical Nerd - 7

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 07.08.2009 16:27

o.o ...Äske lintu lens tota mun ikkunaa päi ja jäi siihe sit räpyttelee hetkeks, sit vähä woobles ja päässe kuitenki lentää pois.

Tuijotin vaa et mitäs kummaa...

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 07.08.2009 16:26

They only want you when you're seventeen
When you're twenty-one
You're no fun.
They take a polaroid and let you go
Say they'll let you know
So come on.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 06.08.2009 20:22


Aiys in uus osa oli tullu ku en ollu käyny kattoo hetkeeeeeen AAAAAAAA TYYLII KAKS VIIKKOA SITTEEEEEEE.

;~; Nyt mua ei saa koneelta kirveelläkää~



[Ei aihetta]Torstai 06.08.2009 01:25

Olin hias ja tajusin painaa "Omistus" juttuun ruksia vasta nyt~

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 06.08.2009 00:00

Joo huomen lisää kuvia blaablaa mahollisesti katotaa jaksanko. o.o
Candy sanoo:
öö, tiesitkö sä sellasta että tomaatti on marja? O__O'
Döks sanoo:
ja makkara on vihannes.
Candy sanoo:
eiii ku oikeesti!
nii wikipedia väittää!
öö...vai mikä on TRUE berry.
Döks sanoo:
ja tästä päästäänkin siihen että luet wikipedista mikä tomaatti on
Candy sanoo:
eiiiiiii! Nyt täs on kyl joku vika.
tää väittää et greippiki on marja.
Döks sanoo:
eiiijjj nyt on hirvee vinetys olo kun oon lukenu huvikseen jotain Emo Finland Forumia : DDD
no eikös greippi olekkin?
Candy sanoo:
...onko greippi. o.o
Döks sanoo:
mikäs viinirypäle sitten on?
Candy sanoo:
ei se ainakaa marja ole.
Döks sanoo:
no ei se ole vihanneskaan
Candy sanoo:
...hedelmätki on olemas.
mut eiks marjat oo vihanneksii
Döks sanoo:
ei ku ne on marjona
Candy sanoo:
wiki väittää että marjat on hedelmiä tai jotai alkumuotoja tai jälkimuotoja tai mutantteja.
Döks sanoo:
Candy sanoo:
...miten voi yhistää kalan ja marjan.
Döks sanoo:
eikös puussa ja pensaissa kasvavat kasvit oo hetelmiä
ja maan alla vihanneksia
Candy sanoo:
...öö missä marjat kasvaa.
Döks sanoo:
emmä tiiä mitään
Candy sanoo:
Döks sanoo:
pensas se on pienikin pensas
Candy sanoo:
öö, no tomaatti on TRUU MARJA ja sillä sipuli.
...eiks sipuli oo vihannes?

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 05.08.2009 22:15

AAaaaaaAAaaa, uus puhelin tulossa ja huulikorut vaihtoon. xD
Vaihan renkaisiin kokonaa enne koulun alkua, ja soitin just et minkä kokoset nää olikaa
(Laitan tänne muistii ku unohan kuitenki ja kadotan mun lappuset; 1.6 isompi, 1.2 pienempi.)
Näin, ja huomen käyn ostaa vihkoja.. kouluu varte. =w=
En haluu käyä äiskän kans koska se ostais jtn niin RETARD vihkoja ettei oo tosi. xD
Ostan mielummi omat vihkoni~
... ööö joo. x3 Eile oli bfehdjkg paras päivä vähää aikaa. Q~Q Johtuen yhestä syystä~
Tänää menettelee, pyörän takakumi poksahti ku olin menos mummolaa, mut ukki osti uuen ja laitto siihe, ja Marko soitti ja alko huutaa puhelimee et mis vitus mie oon. o.O Oli kuulemma nikon vahtimispäivä mulla tänää, mut mulle on kyl sanottu vaa huomisesta.