


~ J'aime la petite mort ~
1.becoming freelance graphic designer
2.get a perfect home deco
3.try to become more mature lols ^

day 20| photo of one of your scars
day 21| list five things you’ve lost and wonder where they might be
day 22| a question about the world that you can’t figure out
day 23| favorite word
day 24| describe your best friend (or friends)
day 25| if you could tell your seven year old self anything, what would it be?
day 26| kill, bang, marry
day 27| have you any superstitions?

teeheee,not telling! ==^_^==

day 19| list three things you want out of life that you are currently working towards
day 20| photo of one of your scars
day 21| list five things youÂ’ve lost and wonder where they might be
day 22| a question about the world that you canÂ’t figure out
day 23| favorite word
day 24| describe your best friend (or friends)
day 25| if you could tell your seven year old self anything, what would it be?
day 26| kill, bang, marry
day 27| have you any superstitions?

day 17| describe a daily ritualKeskiviikko 17.11.2010 11:14

at morning moisturize and nourish my face,then go to work and if itäs weekend i just go to computer :P or play with my babies x3

day 18| something irrational that you think or do
day 19| list three things you want out of life that you are currently working towards
day 20| photo of one of your scars
day 21| list five things youÂ’ve lost and wonder where they might be
day 22| a question about the world that you canÂ’t figure out
day 23| favorite word
day 24| describe your best friend (or friends)
day 25| if you could tell your seven year old self anything, what would it be?
day 26| kill, bang, marry
day 27| have you any superstitions?

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 16.11.2010 22:42

Bounce bounce bounce
yeah baby bouncing on your willie ;J

day 16| a question you hate to be askedTiistai 16.11.2010 10:45

"you got your ID?" <.<

day 17| describe a daily ritual
day 18| something irrational that you think or do
day 19| list three things you want out of life that you are currently working towards
day 20| photo of one of your scars
day 21| list five things youÂ’ve lost and wonder where they might be
day 22| a question about the world that you canÂ’t figure out
day 23| favorite word
day 24| describe your best friend (or friends)
day 25| if you could tell your seven year old self anything, what would it be?
day 26| kill, bang, marry
day 27| have you any superstitions?

day 15| a movie that makes you cryMaanantai 15.11.2010 10:49

AAAAA i know i have atleast one ! hmmmm well i cried a little in moulin rouge :o

day 16| a question you hate to be asked
day 17| describe a daily ritual
day 18| something irrational that you think or do
day 19| list three things you want out of life that you are currently working towards
day 20| photo of one of your scars
day 21| list five things youÂ’ve lost and wonder where they might be
day 22| a question about the world that you canÂ’t figure out
day 23| favorite word
day 24| describe your best friend (or friends)
day 25| if you could tell your seven year old self anything, what would it be?
day 26| kill, bang, marry
day 27| have you any superstitions?
Hmmm....can't think of any lols :D

day 15| a movie that makes you cry
day 16| a question you hate to be asked
day 17| describe a daily ritual
day 18| something irrational that you think or do
day 19| list three things you want out of life that you are currently working towards
day 20| photo of one of your scars
day 21| list five things youÂ’ve lost and wonder where they might be
day 22| a question about the world that you canÂ’t figure out
day 23| favorite word
day 24| describe your best friend (or friends)
day 25| if you could tell your seven year old self anything, what would it be?
day 26| kill, bang, marry
day 27| have you any superstitions?

EEEeeEeeeeEeeeeeEeeee EeEee Ee e eeEE eeEEe :DDDDDDDDDD

day 14| favorite book youÂ’ve read academically
day 15| a movie that makes you cry
day 16| a question you hate to be asked
day 17| describe a daily ritual
day 18| something irrational that you think or do
day 19| list three things you want out of life that you are currently working towards
day 20| photo of one of your scars
day 21| list five things youÂ’ve lost and wonder where they might be
day 22| a question about the world that you canÂ’t figure out
day 23| favorite word
day 24| describe your best friend (or friends)
day 25| if you could tell your seven year old self anything, what would it be?
day 26| kill, bang, marry
day 27| have you any superstitions?

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 08.11.2010 15:32

oikeesti! mua häiritsee kovin et miks disneys prinssi philip (prinsessa ruususesta) tyylii näkee kaikkein eniten VAIVAA pelastakseen ja saadakseen olla rakkaansa kanssa? siis sen sentää piti taistella pahatarta vastaa ja ties mitä ku taas tuhkimos se prinssi vaa odottaa jossai kylpyammees et sen palveliat ettii tuhkimon sen käsii ja jossai lumikis sen prinssin piti vaa ettii kääpiöiden mökki ja pussata lumikkia,WTF? D:


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 08.11.2010 15:28

huuu 2kk ja mul o synttärit ^^!
äite ja sisko tulee ainaki juhlii :D

Tulkaa toki kaikki muutki :) tulee varmaa melko alkoholipitoiset pibbalot x) kaikkee kivaa aion keksii sinne kuulkaas pelataa aasinhäntäjuttua ja hippaa ja kuurupiiloa XDDDDDD