


Blame it on the Boom

Anna anteeksi ilkeät sananiSunnuntai 04.09.2011 18:48

Perun kaikki pahat puheeni uudesta kännystä.

Angry Birds. Ilmaisversio. Koko vesrion hinta: 2 vaivaista euroa.

Tämä armahtaa kaiken <3

Ja eikun pelaamaan~

I am a shameless blogthief. And a ninja.Sunnuntai 04.09.2011 18:44

Tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
- I don't really have anyone that I like right now... ^^" Oh yes, I'm such boring person.
2. What on your body is hurting or bothering you?
- Hmmm... I'm getting some unexplainable dizzy spells and my bladder's about to burst due to the monstrous quantities of coke I've consumed. That and the fact that my brother has occupied the bathroom for the better part of the hour.
....Which conviniently reminds me that we have two bathrooms. Fuck me, why didn't this occur to me sooner. *cue bathroom break*
(It is to be noted, that the second I stepped out of my room, my darling brother decided to relinquish his reign over the friggin' Toilet Behind Locked Doors. Srew you, Karma. Screw you. This demands for continiuing my quest to induce a comatose state by practically fucking inhaling coca-cola. FRUSTRRRRRRATION.)
3. What was your last thought before going to bed last night?
- "Oh yeah, wasn't I supposed to.....?"
4. What are you listening to?
- I need some sleep by Eels. Story of my life, seriously.
5. WhatÂ’s something youÂ’re not looking forward to?
- Thursday. I absolutely loathe the coming Thursday.
6. Where do you think your best friend is right now?
- I don't really rank my friends like that so... ^^"
7. Have you kissed anybody in the last 5 days?
- Yes.
Just pulling you leg. Of course I haven't.
8. Sex on the first date?
- Preferably not, but I suppose it depends.
9. Kiss on the first date?
- Sure, why not.
10. Is there one person you want to be with right now?
- Not at the moment. I just need a little space right now, is all.
11. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life?
- Err... The matter is highly debatable.
12. Is there something you would like to say to someone?
- The list would take ages to finish. orz
13. What are three things you did today?
- Read some stuff, played (that's the correct term right?) Homestuck, planned on finishing my costume, went to shop for groceries with mom, forgot to eat anything particularly sensible and lazed around. Oh wait, THREE (3) things. ...Oh fuck this.
14. Would you rather sleep at a friendÂ’s or have them over?
- Both options have their appeal. So either one is just fine :3
15. What is your favorite kind of gum?
- Strawberry. Predictable and generic, but it's awesome none the less.
16. Are you friends with any of your ex boyfriends/ girlfriends?
- Uh... Sort of.
17. What is on your wrists right now?
- Nothing at the moment. Already took all my bracelets off. Shocking, eh?
18. Ever liked someone you thought you didnÂ’t stand a chance with?
- Oh, that's the basic mindset I have when I like someone.
19. Does anyone have strong feelings for you?
- Yeah, at least I'd like to think so.
20. Are you slowly drifting away from someone?
- Maybe? Sorta-kinda?
21. Have you ever wasted your time on someone?
- I don't think time can be wasted on another person no matter what the situation or events that follow the time spent. So, no, I haven't.
22. Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
- Oh, hells yeah : D
23. How have you felt today?
- A bit... I don't even know.
24. You receive $60 without any reason, what do you spend it on?
- I'd save it for London. \o/
25. What is wrong with you right now?
- Confusion, the fact that I can't identify the source of my problems, not knowing exactly what is wrong, when something undoubtedly IS wrong. And I'm tired. Always so bloody, fucking tired.
26. Is there anyone youÂ’re really disappointed in?
- Yes. Oh yes. Majorly so.
27. Would you rather have Starbucks or Jamba Juice right now?
- Starbuck is coffee and I have no idea what on earth Jamba Juice even is... So I'll stick to the coke.
28. Why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex anymore?
- We were sort of dysfunctional to begin with. So everything just fell apart in the end I guess. Romance didn't really work for us so we're just friends now. And just as dysfunctional. Or at least I am.
29. How late did you stay up last night and why?
- Can't remember. Didn't check the time.
30. When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
- I still don't rank my friend like that ^^"
31. What were you doing an hour ago?
- Playing (still confused about the correct term) Homestuck. It's fascinating. Try it out. Now.
32. What are you looking forward to in the next month?
- Halloween?
33. Are you wearing jeans right now?
- Nah.
34. Are you a patient person?
- Apparently almost annoingly so.
35. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
- Already have x''3
36. Favorite color?
- Can't I just like all of them equally?
37. Did you have a dream last night?
- Of course I did. Just can't remember it.
38. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
- Pajama paaaaaaaaaaants~ *random flailing*
39. If someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be?
- ....OTL
Don't ask me that. In all of my dysfunctionality I dysfunction the most at cuddling. I need a cuddling workshop or something.
40. Do you love anyone who is not related to you?
- Yes. Many people. Many, many people.
41. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
- Yeah. I'd like to know.
42. Do you like meeting new people?
- Since despite all of my awkwardess I'm still (a) social (nightmare), yes, I rather enjoy meeting new people.
43. Are you afraid of falling in love?
- No, not really.
44. Ever liked someone older than you?
- Yes.
45. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
- I have received many comments and sometimes obscure compliments about my eyes, my no, no one thus far has described them as 'pretty'.
46. Have you ever felt like you werenÂ’t good enough?
- ....
I'd rather not go there.

HYPPIKÄÄ RIEMUSTA! Postasin helvetin pitkän blogimerkinnän ilman minkäänlaista pointtia! Englanniksi! Eikä se edes sisällä mitään hienoja paljastuksia! Kettumaiseksikin tätä voisi kai kutsua. Jos oikeasta kulmasta katsoo.

Ja yay! Kännykkä tuli vihdoin postissa! Äiti saa omansa takaisin~

....Mutta voi jumalauta tätä ohjekirjan vajaavaisuutta. Kosketusnäyttö perkeleen perkele.
Do not like.

Coping.Keskiviikko 31.08.2011 19:56

Sulkeudun pyykkitupaan rauhoittumaan hieman. Kaakao pelastaa.

Tämä on taas niitä päiviä kun henkinen jaksaminen murenee.

Huomenna parempi sitten.

Hm. Valinnanvaikeus.Perjantai 26.08.2011 03:33

Aion värjätä hiukset lähiaikoina. Väri epäselvä. Siispä kysyn.
Mikähän väri hyvä olisi?

En takaa kuuntelevani ketään teistä >8D

Ja... jos vaikka pohjustetaan niin että punasävyiseksi en ainakaan koko päätä laita. En ainakaan näillä näkymin XD Jotain muuta siis heitelkää :''D

......No nyt tähän ei kuitenkaan kukaan vastaa mitään ja koko blogi näyttää sekopäiseltä x''DDD

Oh realisations.Lauantai 20.08.2011 18:57

I have concluded, that I have an unhealthy love-hate relationship with alcohol.

No, I don't like this in the least.
Yet somehow I do.

Fuck this.

RyöväysKeskiviikko 17.08.2011 17:20

A: All-American Rejects
B: Breaking Benjamin
C: Civil Twilight
D: Dead By April
E: Evans Blue
F: Flobots
G: Green Day
H: Hollywood Undead
I: -
J: J. Karjalainen
K: Kolmas Nainen
L: Linkin Park
M: My Chemical Romance
N: Nickelback
O: Owl City
P: P!nk
Q: -
R: Rise Against
S: Simple Plan
T: Three Day sGrace
U: U2
V: -
W: Within Temptation
Y: Yellowcard

.Maanantai 15.08.2011 13:38

En mie pysty tähän.
No siis. Jos 9 ja puoli tuntia Linnanmäkeä 3 hyperaktiivisen pikkutytön kanssa ei riitä nirhimään niin sitten ei mikään. Kolmas kerta peräkkäin Tulireessä alkoi olla jo liikaa. Hauskaa, mutta liikaa. Ugh, se lopun nytkähdys. Se kun joutuu nuorimmaisen laitelipuksi xDDD
En tosin väitä ettei ollut hauskaa >8D Salama on ihana. Ja Hip Hop. Mustekala, Linnunrata, Vekkula, City Express, Vanha vuoristorata, Kummitusjuna, Maailmanpyörä~
Tosin nuorempi serkuista halasi kylkiluut tohjoksi. Liikkuminen on tietyllä asteella kivuliasta. 9 vuotiaan puristusvoima..... OTL

Tosin kummitäti vei cocktail partyyn. Jokin Lindexin uuden malliston muotinäytös. Hyviä drinkkejä :'D ja ne graavilohimakupalat~
Kengät tosin hajosi matkalla. Pohjan liimapinta petti ja piti juosta Kamppiin ostamaan uudet :''DDD
Hämäriä asukokonaisuuksia... täytyy se myöntää...

Ja nyt sitten itken katkerasti ikävääni ja sitä että menin jo lukemaan kaikki Impulset loppuun ja lopputarina oli kökkö ja jätti paljon selittämättä. Ja Young Justicet loppuu kesken kohta myös D: Enkä löydä kunnon lattauslinkkiä Robineihin. Ja tahtoo Superboyt, Batmanit, Green Arrowit, Green Lanternit, kaikki loput X-menit... JA TEEN TITANSIT!! Perkeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!! D:
...Pitäisi hitto Spidermanitkin ladata. Ja The Flashit. Tulee muuten menemään päivätolkulla pelkästään noissa.... Ja jos ne eri lehdissä poukkoilevat jatkotarinat pakottaa lataamaan enää mitään muuta niin jumankautaaaa!! Our Worlds At War jäi vähän keskeneräiseksi juuri sen takia kun on niin useassa eri lehdessä käsitelty saaga... Mutta kyllä mää ne vielä löydän... Mwahahahahahahaa!!
(p.s. tajusiko tuosta kukaan ylipäätään mitään...?)

...That... Became a bit more like a rant than I intented.. Whoops.
Well anyways. Too much Doctor Who compels me to write something... Doctor-ish.


ALONS-Y ALONSO!!! (oh god, I love that one)

Yeah, yeah... I went with an obvious one. Sue me xD

....helvetin randomia tekstiä. Kestäkää.

savistunnelmiaPerjantai 05.08.2011 03:25

TÄÄLLÄ ON LIIAN KIVAA!!!!~~~~ <3<3<3<3<33<<<3<3<33

....ei tahro lähtee TT^TT

ja nyt painun hiljentämään serkut. meteli xD

ilmoitusluontoisestiMaanantai 01.08.2011 18:45

Katoan savikselle. Internet silence shall follow.

nähkäämme viikon päästä.