


Once more into the fray... Into the last good fight I'll ever know... Live and die on this day... Live and die on this day..

teheehTorstai 10.12.2009 05:13

Valvotaan fridan kanssa ja meil on viinaa ja likööriä<3

mmm.Keskiviikko 09.12.2009 06:47

Tuommoista teen huomenna C:

Espanjalainen Paahtovanukas Crème Caramel ♥

Hankin venytyksen C:Torstai 03.12.2009 02:02

...Keskiviikko 02.12.2009 00:25

R.I.P Joonas ♥

Vielä eilen olit täällä, nyt olet poissa.
Vaikka ilkeän asian minulle teit,
rakastan sua yhä.
Odota siellä kukkakedon keskellä,
tulen sinne joku päivä,
ehkä huomenna ehkä 10 vuoden päästä.

Odota minua.

SONATA ARCTICA - SHYMaanantai 30.11.2009 04:26

I can see how you are beautiful, can you feel my eyes on you,
I'm shy and turn my head away
Working late in diner Citylight, I see that you get home alright
Make sure that you can't see me, hoping you will see me

Sometimes I'm wondering why you look me and you blink your eye
You can't be acting like my Dana (can you)
I see you in Citylight diner serving all those meals and then
I see reflections of me in your eye, oh please

Talk to me, show some pity
You touch me in many, many ways
But I'm shy can't you see

Obsessed by you, your looks, well, anyway "I would any day die for you",
I write on paper erased away
Still I sit in diner Citylight, drinking coffee or reading lies
Turn my head and I can see you, could that really be you

Sometimes I'm wondering why you look me and you blink your eye
You can't be acting like my Dana?
I see your beautiful smile and I would like to run away from
Reflections of me in your eyes, oh please

Talk to me, show some pity
You touch me in many, many ways
But I'm shy can't you see

I see, can't have you, can't leave you, there 'cause I must sometimes see you
And I don't understand how you can keep me in chains
And every waking hour, I feel you taking power From me and I can't leave
Repeating the scenery over again

Sometimes I'm wondering why you look me and you blink your eye
You can't be acting like my Dana?
I see your beautiful smile and I would like to run away from
Reflections of me in your eyes, oh please

Talk to me, show some pity
You touch me in many, many ways
But I'm shy can't you see,

Oh baby, Talk to me, show some pity
You touch me in many, many ways
But I'm shy can't you, I'm shy can't you, I'm shy can't you see

999 - Nasty! Nasty!Lauantai 28.11.2009 18:23

Nasty nasty walk the streets at night
Nasty nasty loocking for a fight
Nasty nasty you're the reason why
Nasty nasty made somebody cry

What the hell is wrong with you
What the hell you going to do
You gonna do

Nast nasty always telling lies
Nasty nasty never really tries
Nasty nasty want to make them pay
Nasty nasty brave to turn away

Nasty nasty rivals blaming you
Nasty nasty all explotion news
Nasty nasty adding up the score
Nasty nasty what's it really for

Nasty nasty shockning head to feet
Nasty nasty think you're really neat
Nasty nasty into something new
Nasty nasty soon that won't be true

ohoKeskiviikko 25.11.2009 17:18

Taisin vahingos hankkii jollekki naiselle seksiä XD

Siis ku joku tyyppi kysy et voiks se lainaa mun puhelinta ku sen pitäs nähä täs joku mies ja silleeen, ni sit se mies ei vastannu ja se nainen lähti kävelee sit se soitti takas ni juoksin sen naisen perää sillee et se varmaa soittaa nyt ni sit siin tuli 2 semmost mustaa miest ja sit se yks jäi tohon nurkkaa istuu ja se toinen lähti sen naisen kaa jonnekki

grrKeskiviikko 25.11.2009 16:50

eheeeh, mie luulin tuossa että mirkku tulee tasan 2 junalla mutta se tuleekin tasan 3 junalla... grr.. ni tässä nyt rauttiksel dataan, ärsyttävää ku oli vaa semmoi paikka vapaan mis näkyy kaikille et mis oon D:

;--;Keskiviikko 25.11.2009 02:52

yhyy toi kakku oli nimimerkin ees niin kiva :C

ps. ajattelin hankkia rottia 3 semmosta.. saisin ilmaseksi pitää vain ostaa häkki XD

Eternal MemoryTiistai 24.11.2009 19:57

This is what you give me
to work with?
Well, honey, I've seen worse
We're gonna turn
this sow's ear
into a silk purse

We'll have you
Washed and dried
Primped and polished
till you glow with pride
Trust my recipe for
instant bride
You'll bring honor to us all

Wait and see
When we're through
Boys will gladly go to war for you
With good fortune
And a great hairdo
You'll bring honor to us all

A girl can bring her family
Great honor in one way
By striking a good match
And this could be the day

Men want girls
with good taste
Who work fast-paced
With good breeding
And a tiny waist
You'll bring honor to us all

We all must serve our Emperor
Who guards us from the Huns
A man by bearing arms
A girl by bearing sons

When we're through
you can't fail
Like a lotus blossom
soft and pale
How could any fellow say "No sale"
You'll bring honor to us all

There -- you're ready
Not yet
An apple for serenity...
A pendant for balance...
Beads of jade for beauty
You must proudly show it
Now add a cricket for good luck
And even you can't blow it

Hear my plea
Help me not to make a fool of me
And to not uproot my family tree
Keep my father standing tall

Scarier than the undertaker
We are meeting our matchmaker
Guard our girls
And our future
as it fast unfurls
Please look kindly on
these cultured pearls
Each a perfect porcelain doll

Please bring honor to us
Please bring honor to us
Please bring honor to us
Please bring honor to us
Please bring honor to us all