
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

Buhaa pöllin Anskulta :DSunnuntai 18.11.2007 22:11

Emo or Not

[z] I like skinny jeans
[z] Music is my life.
[ ] I write poetry/song lyrics.
[z] My hair covers part of my face.
[z] I wear band shirts
[z] I know who Jeffree Star is.
[z] I wear/wore converse.
[ ] I wear/wore vans.
[z] i wear eyeliner
[ ] I have/had my lip pierced.
[z] I listen to Saves The Day, Chiodos, Thursday and/or Gym Class Heroes.
[ ] I'm in a band.
[ ] My AIM screen name has an x in it
[z] I understand that My Chemical Romance is not emo.
[z] I also understand that Green Day is not emo.
[z] I know what mosh means.
[/] I sit in corners often.
[z] I dislike MTV.
[ ] I take pictures of myself a lot.
[ ] Especially ones where you can`t see my whole face.
[z] I am lost without an cd player/mp3
[z] I have/had thick rimmed glasses.
[z] I have no issues with bi/gay people
[z] I hate the president (of america)
[ ]I have/had a mohawk.
[z] I've worn black nail polish.
[ ] I hate my mom.
[ ] I hate my dad .
[z] I hate where I live.
[z] Black is a great color
[ ] I d../ c..t mys..lf
[z] Right now I am listening to music
[ ] I know what hxc and sxe mean.
[z] Myspace=Love and addiction.
[ ] Hot Topic doesn`t scare me.
[z] I wear studded belts.
[ ] I have had a body part signed by a band.
[ ] I've cried while listening to Dashboard Confessional.
[z] I have/ had dyed my hair.
[z] My closet is mostly filled with black or dark clothes.
[ ] I cry alot
[z] I write on myself.
[z] I have been called emo before.
[ ] I've done drugs before.
[z] I listen to undiscovered bands

=28½ / 45

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