


Let it blow your mind again.
I know you don't like me
Don't like the things I do
The saddest part just might be
That I don't like you too
You think you know my story
Well maybe you did for a little while
I guess that's the way it goes sometimes
Between a mother and a child.

All my life you've reminded me
How you struggled nine long months
Your achin' back and your swollen feet
How you almost lost me once
You say you gave up everything
All the dreams you had
Told us kids we're the only reason
You stayed there with our dad.

And you want me to cry for you
You want me to feel the way you do
I'm sorry your life let you down
But the fault it is not mine
It's not supposed to be like this
Between a mother and a child.

You want me to just agree
With everything you say
Call my dad the bad guy
Make him pay and pay and pay
It's really not my business
It never was or will ever be
But I know nobody's perfect
And that's counting you and me
Yeah that's counting you and me.

I don't remember all that happened
Mama I was just a kid
But if it really was all that bad
Why do you wish I did?

You want me to cry for you
I'll never feel the way you do
I'm sorry your life let you down
But the fault it is not mine
It's not supposed to be this way
Between a mother and a child
Oh a mother and a child
You're my mother and I'm your child...

091107 ;)Tiistai 06.11.2007 16:57

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.11.2007 00:12

- Hiton palikka

- Ei mulla oo kulmia

The Best Damn Thing <3Maanantai 05.11.2007 23:56

Tykkään susta poika <3Maanantai 05.11.2007 16:59

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 05.11.2007 01:52

Jos ei ole varma, onko rakastunut vai ei, tytön kanssa voi
käydä pari kertaa treffeillä. Sillä lailla voi tarkistaa,
kyseleekö hän tyhmiä.

Jos on kyllästynyt poikakaveriinsa, voi kysyä ystävältään,
eikö tämä huolisi poikaa.

Jos poikakaveri ei halua erota, pitää tapella kovasti.
Kyllä se ero tulee.

Rakkaus kestää niin kauan, ennen kuin tyttö saa selville, että
pojalla on toinen.

Jos haluaa tyttökaverin, sen kun kaivaa taskusta kaksi tivolilippua.

Kun on saanut poikakaverin, lähdetään elokuviin ja saadaan lapsi.

311007 ;)Tiistai 30.10.2007 23:49

[Ikävä]Tiistai 30.10.2007 14:36

Mä antaisin vaikka käteni, jos saisin olla edes yhen päivän sun kanssa.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 24.10.2007 13:45

Niin en mä oliskaan halunnu mennä kouluun tosiaan..