


Tonight wont make a difference

Jimi <3Lauantai 06.12.2008 22:38

I am merely a storyteller.Lauantai 25.10.2008 03:09

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.10.2008 01:20

I. Xemnas:
[ ] You are the leader most of the time.
[x] You like black.
[ ] You wished/wish you were someone else.
[ ] You don't listen to others.
[x] You like doing research.
Total: 2

II. Xigbar:
[ ] You have bad eyesight.
[x] You like throwing things at others when angry.
[x] You wish you were able to teleport.
[/] You wear your hair in a ponytail.
[x] You have/wish you had a gun.

III. Xaldin
[x] You like windy days.
[x] You have tried to steal something precious from someone.
[x] You like dragons. (they're awesome<3)
[x] You have/like dreadlocks.
[ ] You tried to anger someone on purpose.

IV. Vexen
[ ] You are disrespected by the young ones.
[ ] Someone has already considered you a traitor.
[ ] You are the oldest of your group.
[x] You like experiments.
[x] You like cold days.

V. Lexaeus
[ ] You are not very talkative.
[x] You like brain games.
[ ] People are afraid of you because of your appearance.
[/] You prefer heavy weapons rather than light ones.
[ ]You are very strong, physically speaking.

VI. Zexion
[X] You love reading.
[ ] You are not very sociable.
[ ] You are one of the shortest of your group.
[x] You have a very sensible nose.
[x] You like to elude others.

VII. Saïx
[x] You have a double sided personality.
[x] You are more active during night rather than day.
[x] You like werewolves.
[x] Your superior trusts you.
[ ] You have a scar on your face.

VIII. Axel
[x] You are somewhat a pyromaniac.
[X] You care deeply for your best friends.
[x] You are a two-faced when you need to.
[x] You don't like when people don't remember your name.
[x] You have a very fiery personality.

IX. Demyx
[x] You like music.
[/] You know how to play a guitar.
[x] You like rainy days.
[x] You like swimming.
[/] You are usually a very happy person.

X. Luxord
[x] You like playing cards.
[ ] You like to gamble.
[ ] Your favorite color is gold.
[ ] You have stolen money from others.
[x] You have/wished you could curse someone.

XI. Marluxia
[ ] You like pink.
[x] You like flowers.
[ ] You are plotting to overthrow your superior.
[ ] You were betrayed by someone.
[x] You are a bit of a flamboyant person.

XII. Larxene
[ ] You're the only female on your group.
[x] You like storms.
[ ] You're pretty agile.
[x] You like to mock others.
[x] You think ninjas are cool.

XIII. Roxas
[ ] You love ice cream.
[ ] You are the youngest of your group. (almost always xD)
[x] You think people are hiding something from you.
[x] You usually have strange dreams involving people you've never met.
[ ] You prefer afternoons rather than nights and mornings.


My chemical Romance - HelenaMaanantai 06.10.2008 01:05

Long ago
Just like the hearse you die to get in again
We are so far from you

Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you know
And what's the worst you take (worst you take)
from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I've been holding on tonight

What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

Came a time
When every star fall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold
And what's the worst you take (worst you take)
from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I've been holding on tonight

What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
Can we pretend to leave and then
We'll meet again
When both our cars collide?

What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.09.2008 23:00

Älä katso allaolevia kysymyksiä ennen kuin olet valinnut bändit! Eli: valitse viisi lempibändiäsi.
Kun olet valinnut bändit, vastaa kysymyksiin.

1. My Chemical Romance
2. Goo Goo Dolls
3. Nightwish
4. Panic At The Disco
5. Breaking Benjamin

Kuka on hyvännäköisin bändistä 2?
- Hmm... Robby

Lempi albumisi bändiltä 1?
- Tällä hetkellä, I Brought you My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love

Kirjoita pätkä jostain bändin 5 lyriikoista.
- You take the breath right out of me. You left a hole where my heart should be.

Miten tutustuit bändiin 3?
- Sisko kuunteli joskus vuuuuuuosia sitten.

Milloin kuuntelit viimeksi bändiä 4?
- Tänään päivällä

Onko sinulla lempijäsentä bändistä 5? Kuka?
- ei oo

Omistatko jotain bändin 1 oheistuotteita?
- julisteita, kalenteri, laukku...

Kumman näkisit mieluummin livenä, bändin 2 vai bändin 4?
- Eehkäpä Panicin.....?

Lempi biisisi bändiltä 5 (Max 3)?
- Breath, Diary Of Jane, Until the End

Sano joku surullinen biisi bändiltä 3
- Meadows Of Heaven

Onko bändin 4 laulaja hyvännäköinen?
- JEP!

Omistatko albumeita bändiltä 2?
- vain Dizzy Up The Girl:in.... haluun niitä lisäääää....

Kumpaa olet kuunnellut kauemmin, bändiä 5 vai bändiä 1?
- My Chemiä

Onko bändi 4 ollut koskaan Suomessa?
- nope

Mikä on parasta bändissä 3?
- Live <3

Miten tutustuit bändiin 1?
- näin Black Paraden musavideon, ja aattelin että: onpa helvetin hieno ja kaunis video! ja sit pakotin isän ostaan sen mulle joululahjaks... ^^

Kuinka monta jäsentä bändissä 2 on?
- 3

Lempibiisi bändiltä 4 tällä hetkellä (Max 3)?
- Lying Is The Most Fun Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off,, Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks

Omistatko bändin 3 julisteita yms?
- jeps

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.09.2008 11:45

Things that make you go: "Mmmmmh..."

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 21.08.2008 20:04

COPYRIGHT: sisältää pätkiä lukuisista My Chemical Romancen kappaleista


I will keep on rocking out for the rest of my life

Let me have my way of thinking
My way of Living

Don't say I can't
'Cos I can
It's not too much for me
I'll end up being a winner
In the end

When night falls
I'll stop sleeping and start living
I have my way then
I have my control
My power
Lift your head and look at me
I will end up being a winner

Give me better gasoline and
I'll be burning
Drowning myself to the fire
I'll be nailing my own coffin
I'll be dead

I will keep my cool
My control
I will not lose control
I wont be crying out
"I miss my Mom!"

I'll be in control

Take my fucking hand and never be afraid again
If you dare

I protect myself
And my brother
And my friend
I dare you to fuck up their minds
'Cos if you do I WILL fuck up yours

My legs wont fail me
They keep me standing
When I watch you fall
Fall dead to the ground in front of me
And I wont help you
I promise that to you

I will be rocking out to the end of my life
I'll keep on singing what ever the fuck I want
Watch me
I will wipe away tears from my friends eyes
The ones you cost
You can't hurt her anymore
I promise that

I will go my way
I will have my way


Äikän ope piti musan tunnin ja teki meille semmosen tajunnanvirta harjotuksen, ja tää synty siitä...

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 21.08.2008 19:04

[x] En pyörry nähdessäni verta
[x] Olen purrut ihmistä
[x] Olen maistanut verta ja mielestäni se on hyvää
[ ] Inhoan valkosipulia
[/] Pelkään teräviä puunpaloja
[x] Valvon myöhään/en saa unta yöllä
[x] Torkun päivisin
[/] Olen sosiaalinen ja viihdyn ihmisten seurassa

[ ] Olen kömpelö
[ ] Rehellisesti sanottuna olen aika tyhmä
[/] Viihdyn parhaiten laumassa kaltaisteni kanssa
[ ] Matkin toisia, minulla ei ole omaa persoonaa
[ ] En piittaa pätkääkään ulkonäöstäni
[x] Rakastan rentoa hengailua kavereiden kanssa
[/] Arvostan älyä, vaikken sillä itse loistakaan
[ ] Liikun erittäin kankeasti linkuttaen

[x] Olen erittäin valpas täysikuun aikaan
[ ] Kärsin karvojen liikakasvusta
[x] Pidän lihasta
[x] Sudet ovat upeita eläimiä, eikä niitä saisi tappaa!
[x] Minulla on valppaat vaistot
[x] Puolustaudun ärhäkästi
[ ] Minusta tuntuu, että koirani on sukua minulle
[ ] Päivisin tunnen olevani ihan normaali

[x] Olen nainen
[x] Ehkä hieman demoninen
[ ] Viettelen miehiä huvikseni
[ ] Erityisesti munkit on mieleeni
[ ] Olen viehkeä
[ ] Imen energiaa ympärillä olevista ihmisistä
[ ] Kerään spermaa
[x] Minulla on/haluaisin lohikäärmeen siivet selkääni

[x] Minussa on paljon voimaa
[x] Olen melko herkkä kokemaan yliluonnolisia asioita
[ ] Olen joskus harjoittanut magiaa
[x ^^] Olen tehnyt sopimuksen Paholaisen kanssa
[x] Jos vielä olisi noitavainoja, minut varmasti poltettaisiin roviolla!
[x] Intuitiivinen tietosi on vahva ja luotat siihen mukisematta
[x] Minulla on kissa
[ ] Monet ovat kyselleet minulta selvyyttä esim. näkemiinsä uniin.

[/] Olen paha
[/] Jotkut kutsuvat minua riivaajaksi
[x :D] Joskus koen olevani jumalista seuraava
[ ] Haluan että minua palvotaan jumalana
[x] Olen oikea piru!
[/] Olen kova valehtelemaan
[/] Olen vihainen
[ ] Olen kova panettelemaan

Vampyyri tai noita. VAMPYYRINOITA!!! ahem...

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 16.08.2008 13:37

No hyvä on, tulkaa sitten, mutta tulkaa jonossa niin ehtii pinota!

Happy AkuRoku -day to everybody!! ;DTorstai 14.08.2008 02:35