


cogito ergo sum

:DSunnuntai 23.12.2007 21:56

A bullet in your head is how I want it
Your body on the floor -- a kodak moment
You´re a waste of air and a waste of space
I want sharp objects to fly into your face
I hate you now more than I ever did
I wanna kill you, dig you up and do it again
I want a car run over your head
Put it in revers and do it again

And I would be a liar if I said that it wasn´t true
I only want bad things to happen to you
I want bad things to happen to you
I want bad things to happen to you
I want very bad things to happen to you

It would be really great if you drowned in a lake
Or put a bag over your face and watched you suffocate
I´d celebrate at your wake, I´d bake myself a cake
`Cause you´re my favorite person that I love to hate
And you´re the reason that murder should be legalized
If it was, you´d be dead and in the ground by five
Just in case I forgot to say --
I hate you motherfucker in the very worst way!

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