


Don't make me be myself around you
Hello my dears. It was an awful day. I didn't fuck anyone...
If you wanna fuck, please let me know!
Yours, Gee!

Kaipasit<3Sunnuntai 01.03.2009 00:39

*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
tätä sä olet kaivannut!!
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
saitko sen?
Heikki sanoo:
ei jonna, en uskalla katsoa
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
yhyyyyyyyyy 8<
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
Etkö sä luota muhunyhtään?
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
no okei
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
ei sitten
Heikki sanoo:
ei vittu jonna
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
Heikki sanoo:
mä en enää pidä susta yhtään niin paljon kuin hetki sitten:/
*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
Niin vissiiin et ^^

`:OLauantai 28.02.2009 23:35

st. helen sanoo:
posted by Gee on Feb 27 2009 09:30pm (Hidden track)
Had to share this with someone because I can't tell this to Frankie or Mikey because they'd think I don't wanna fuck them anymore!
Just wanna tell you, it was AWESOME.
Yours, Gee.

Jesus Christ bananas!Lauantai 28.02.2009 23:02

st. helen sanoo:
posted by Gee on Feb 28 2009 09:00pm
Hello fuckers!
This day has been the best day of my life! Okay, not really. Today, I have done some things that may disgust you. For example, I fucked Mikey. Oh yes, I fucked my little brother and enjoyed it. He has such a hot ass, I could not resist it! I hope Frankie doesn't read this, I know he wouldn't accept it... Somehow, he doesn't enjoy incest as much as I do. Dunno why. :-/
But now I gotta go sing some songs again. Today, the new song is called "Fucking Mikey."
And oh, it's just a nickname too, just like "Fucking Frankie!"
So long, suckers!
Love, Gee

The thing - se jossakin!Lauantai 28.02.2009 02:01

st. helen sanoo:
minä <3 munani
st. helen sanoo:
pakko kaivella aina

Parta </3Lauantai 28.02.2009 01:36

*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
st. helen sanoo:
vois kuvitella et jotain oikeesti kamalaa on sattunu, siis tosta sun ekasta lauseesta vois kuvitella et tyylii isäs kuoli
st. helen sanoo:
Mutta ei
sun lempibändin kitaristilla on parta

BOUNCE!Lauantai 28.02.2009 01:20

st. helen sanoo:
dentist say: bounce after every nom!
st. helen sanoo:
kieltämättä jokaisen syönnin jälkeen panolle
st. helen sanoo:
I think that's what I do for a living...

Merkintöjä??!Lauantai 28.02.2009 01:15

*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
Gerryllä on ihan asiallisia merkintöjä
st. helen sanoo:
st. helen sanoo:
Feb 27
Today I fucked Frank. It was nice.
Yours, Gee
st. helen sanoo:
posted by Gee on Feb 27, 2009 00:00pm
Hello guys! I just fucked Frank. It was sooo nice and I feel now really satisfied. Frank also gave me a blowjob. Now I'm planning to go sleeping with Frank. But when Frank falls asleep, I'm gonna measure his dick. He did that to me yesterday night! Frank is a sick bastard! But I think, before that, I have to sing one song to the tape (called "Fucking Frank")
But that's just a nickname, guys. Don't be afraid.
Sincerely yours, Gee.

Filosofiaa<33Perjantai 27.02.2009 23:27

*Kristallikeiju* sanoo:
mun PITI kirjottaa Platonista ja lueskelinkin Frankistä
st. helen sanoo:
platon = frank
st. helen sanoo:
Frank on 2000-luvun tärkein filosofi
st. helen sanoo:
frankin lattianhinkkausmetodi (TM) on vaikuttanut elämääni suuresti
st. helen sanoo:
Kiitos doctor frank, nyt minun ei enää tarvitse imuroida!
st. helen sanoo:
kun voin lahnailla pitkin lattiaa!!