
Can't let you go...Torstai 02.10.2008 18:32

I've been to many places,
I've met different races,
I've seen so many faces,
But it's you I can't forget.

I've been through high and low,
Until I got nowhere to go.
I have this funny feeling,
That it's you I'm still missing.

We've always been so strong,
We almost had it all,
Don't give up now on me,
I think we will always be.

Let's come to think of this,
Look at all we could miss,
Why can't we let this happen,
Because it's you that I will always be loving.

So Girl come on,
Don't let this go,
You know I love you so,

Don't throw it away,
Let our love grow,
I just can't let you go.

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