
Getting old.Perjantai 01.06.2012 13:54

Getting old is always depressing, but this time it's not so bad as it is normally. I asked from myself last night "well well, i'm 21 now, what have i achieved?". Well, i've traveled way more that "normal" people has done in this age, i've escaped from death, survived from living hell, i have lots of great friends, i've almous have two occupations, i have a hut to live, i have a man who seems to be kind, nice and gentle and the most important thing; i'm happy :) That's something i haven't been able to say in many, many years so it's kinda the most important thing :) And i think that's enough for many, many years even without any marrying-children-getting a house-shit :) That's for those who has a normal life :D
But so, happy b-day the old-wrinkle-fatass me! And no one has to buy me anything, got my best birthday present already almoust month ago♥♥ :)

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