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I believe that in this world, there is one wish all women have. Only one wish that we all share, no matter how different we are. All of us, even if we deny it wish that we could find someone to stand by us and who we could love and hold forever. Someone who we can share our whole life with and who makes us feel safe and warm. No matter how much we try to deny it we all feel sad and lonely before the day we are happily tied to that person forever.
We all realize our dream sometime, no matter how late or soon it happens, at once everything clicks. So unexpectedly, so suddenly can everything happen, in the blink of an eye. And you realize your in love, that you need that person beside you or you feel lonely and your eyes fill with tears. Things could happen in a day, or they could take many years, but some day.... to all of us it will happen. Even the youngest girls dream of their wedding day... strolling in their made up pictures of swirling wedding dresses and saying “yes” to the one man they could never let go. And this picture is the one secret dream all girls share.
Most of us, well at least a part of us, always plan ahead. “I wanna live my life and get married when I'm no younger then 25. Children i don't want until I'm 28”, is what I've always thought. And suddenly.... i realized my own dream. Would i rather spend my life trying to find something i'm missing, study and live my life with no idea what i want and where I'm going or maybe beside someone i love and care about. But don't get me wrong, i want to live my life, but if there comes a day when the man i love asks me to be with him forever, i wouldn't say no. If i love him, I want to be with him, without losing my other dreams.
And now even if we met not long ago, I miss him, with no idea of his feelings. Being in the dark is lonely and sad. And i imagine holding his hand, because its different to everything else. You feel safe even if you only hold his hand. And now i wonder how fast are you allowed to have feelings, and why do you want feelings when your all the time nervous and walking in the dark on a wobbly bridge on the other side of which there are beautiful fields of roses and life, and on the other just... darkness. And while standing on that bridge you have no idea, no idea at all if you dare to take that next step, so you stay put, waiting for that safe hand or waiting for that long drop and a sudden stop. And all this time you are nervously realizing your dreams of white dresses and wedding receptions.
Holding his hand... because he's exactly what you've wished for and dreamed of. And now you have no idea if his heart is with you for one night or always. You wish for eternity because you wish for him.
That's the way you realize that one dream every young girl dreams of. A beautiful day, a white dress, a ring in your finger and the man you love forever by your side. That's the love story all girls wish for, that's what i wish for. With him.

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