
20Perjantai 02.09.2011 12:41

this wknd hämeenlinna>

19Torstai 01.09.2011 16:56



18Torstai 01.09.2011 16:06



17Keskiviikko 31.08.2011 13:47

This promise doesn't have to be so loud,
Just whisper I could find you in a crowd.


16Tiistai 30.08.2011 17:41

haluan nähdä heidät taas

They took our bodies
Now we gave our souls
They bought our minds
And now we're broke
The air makes
my skin turn pale
But I can feel you
on the Richter-scale

The revolution,
Well it makes me yawn
There's only the darkness
When you are gone

Don't ever go
You'll have to promise me
You're the only thing that's ever meant
something for me
Don't ever go
You are the dawn for me
I'm a mess but at least I'm yours to keep
You are the dawn

The economists
rant and drool
But all fortune
I really need is you

All the dress codes
really make me yawn
There's only the darkness
When you are gone

The city always sleeps
Light has abandoned
these pitch black streets
The city always sleeps
You have abandoned
these pitch black streets

15Tiistai 30.08.2011 15:16

There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will. So don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

14Maanantai 29.08.2011 13:50

sä oot kauneinta päällä tän maan
regret nothing.

13Maanantai 29.08.2011 08:44

a) toissa yönä nukuin neljä tuntia, viime yönä olen nukkunut kolme tuntia
b) tunnin päästä bussiin > sit kouluun > sit junaan > olen klo 15 turus AAAAAAA FUCK MY LIFE XD nukahan salee jossai vaihees


11Maanantai 29.08.2011 00:51

haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaa

en muista millo oisin nauranu näin paljon

8Sunnuntai 28.08.2011 09:32
