


Sairas stressi eikä ketään kuristettavaa.

fight for thisSunnuntai 16.01.2011 13:17

Too much of anything can make you sick
Even the good can be a curse
Makes it hard to know which road to go down
Knowing too much can get you hurt.
Is it better? Is it worse?
Are we sitting in reverse
It's just like we're going backwards.
I know where I want this to go
Driving fast but lets go slow
What I don't wanna do is crash.

read this shitLauantai 15.01.2011 17:22

Kenenkään on sitte turha tulla valittamaa näistä mun blogauksista.
Minähän teen näitä niin paljon ku tykkään ja niin monta minuutissa ku haluan.

Ja ainahan voitte muokata tuolta niin ettette nää uusia blogimerkintöjäni.

kiitoshei. (;


becauseLauantai 15.01.2011 17:14

You look so dumb right now
Standing outside my house
Trying to apologize
You're so ugly when you cry
Please, just cut it out

Don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show
Really had me going
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow

still breathingLauantai 15.01.2011 17:04

Baby, you is the diamond that lasts forever
And I just canÂ’t take a single step without you
Baby, to you IÂ’ll always be a faithful lover
‘Cause my heart can’t make a single beat without you

You make me fly, you get me high
You turn my world to such a better place
Your crazy touch, the sweetest rush
Is something to save my life

sumthingLauantai 15.01.2011 15:12

Everything you hear, it's nothing like the way it feels.
The flavor in the air, it's nothing next to being safe here.
I'm all of me all ears, if ears were stars to catch your tears.
Yet everything I hear flies like butterflies right through my ears.

I wake up, still feels like a dream.
I lie down, get up again and I'm still stunned.
Alive, unleashed; it proves too much for me.

There's no way I can stop it. It's too much fun.

Angel ?Lauantai 15.01.2011 14:36

i could be as bad as someone else.

sontaaLauantai 15.01.2011 14:32

i've become so much stronger than you

bakssu cheo (:Perjantai 14.01.2011 21:56

Now letÂ’s raise our hands up high
Whoever claps the loudest is todayÂ’s winner
2NE1 letÂ’s play together, people that are alone
Everyone letÂ’s hurry and call them out !

kirls kenerationiiLauantai 01.01.2011 16:15

So bright so bright My eyes are blinded no no no no no
So surprised surprised I'm shocked oh oh oh oh oh
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee

aamuja :)Perjantai 31.12.2010 06:17

olis kiva jos ihmiset ajattelis joskus järkevästi.
iha yleisesti. jotkut neekeritki vaa homoilee jossai puskassa, yrjöö toistensa päälle eikä huomaa eroo.

tiesittekö muute mitä eroo on yliajetulla neekerillä ja yliajetulla jäniksellä ? - jäniksen edessä on jarrutusjäljet.

:) hehehee vanha. tällässeitä nää ajatukset on vuoden viimeisenä päivänä kello 4:15.

väsyttää mut ei väsytä. mä voin jo kuvitella huomisen, herätää joskus kahentoista jälkee ja oon väsyny koko loppupäivä. vedän kyl varmaa päikkärit et jaksan valvoo ku on uusvuos.
