
You were out of town for the weekend. When you came back to your apartment, your mailbox was stuffed full. At least 30 letters. Letters with no return address, several of them felt soggy and heavy, as though they were recently wet, or perhaps contained a liquid. All of the letters have your name and address written on them, and many of them had your name scratched all over them in red in. They don't smell nice, they smell like rotting meat and old garbage and you're reluctant to take them back to your room, but curiosity gets the better of you.

So you manage to cart them all back to your room, you dump them in your kitchenette sink because you don't want them smelling up the rest of the apartment. You grab one that doesn't seem damp and isn't covered with writing, and open it up. There are pictures inside. Pictures of people you don't know, with their eyes torn out, teeth missing, unhinged jaws hanging open, throats ripped out. You're horrified and yet you can't help but wonder what's in the rest of the letters. You open more, and more to discover increasingly gruesome photos of dead people. Piles of bodies with limps missing, splayed open corpses on operating tables with their vital organs removed, hanged bodies that have been gutted and bled dry. Some of the soggy letters had blood and other fluids in them. The more letters you open, the more you notice that not all of the people are strangers. Some of them were people you see at work, others people you went to high school with. By the time you get to the last few letters, the pictures are of the mutilated bodies of your close friends and family members.

Eventually you reach the last letter. You don't want to know what's in it, but it's not like you have a choice now. You peel the letter open, and it's a picture of yourself. Not dead, eyes intact, no limbs missing. It's a picture of you entering your apartment building earlier that day, shortly before you collected your disgusting letters. As you hear a door elsewhere in your apartment open, you black out.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 14.01.2009 01:17

satulta tais herahtaa

1. Avaa paint.
2. Piirrä siihen peikko, itsesi (prinsessana, haltijana tai keijuna), lintu, puu ja sateenkaari. MUTTA, et saa kumittaa kuvasta mitään!!
3. Lisää piirustus päiväkirjaasi ja haasta 4 kaveriasi mukaan.

häh 4 tossa on neljä liikaa!! hmm ketkäköhä tätä ei oo tehny.. iikku ei varmaa en tiiä :D
vähä kiva tää! :D

mulle herahtais toisen asteen palovamma tosta

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.01.2009 16:48

mä sit rakastan sitä ku on ladannu paketis jonku sarjan koko tuottarin ja sit ne on hardsubitettu tyylii ranskaks....

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 08.01.2009 22:08

wtf mitä noi mesesuunnittelijat oikei miettii, ois kiva ladata joku uus versio tai jotai mutku noi iconruudut on iha ___JÄÄTÄVÄÄ___PASKAA____, tommone kauhee telkkariruutu.

ps ja mikä tää juttu on et kukaa ei jaksa mennä mihinkää, mun ikivanha technokoiraki on sosiaalisempi ;<

PAKKO TEHÄ!!1Keskiviikko 07.01.2009 21:56

Put Winamp on shuffle, take the first line from the first 20 songs and use them to make a poem. Use the first line of the 21st song as the title.

It's so hot in here

Girl, close your eyes
hey mister D.J., put a record on

Once upon a time
I'm the type of guy who never settles down

Summer in the city where the air is stil
I feel safe, I feel warm when you're here

Lazy Days

The great flood of tears that we`ve cried

(I like it rough)

Have you been headwired
Searching for a destiny that's mine there's another place another time
Somehow everything's gonna fall right into place
When I hold a grudge

Red, red wine

St. Jimmy's comin' down across the alleyway
Took the high dive into your brain

Thank God I was born in a time when something new was about to start
I couldn't figure why

It's Summertime!

rakastan tämmösii tehää levy/runo/tarina/jotai jollai randomsysteemil -juttui! :DD

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.01.2009 19:08

hmmmm pelasin pasianssii..

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 05.01.2009 08:50

arghh heräsin varmaa kolmelt ku en saanu unta eikä huvittanu nukkuu tai mitää :|

mut arki on iha ok pääsee pelaa korttii

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 04.01.2009 01:10

en oo iha varma pitäiskö pistää AHAHAH vai ....


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 03.01.2009 19:28