
Massacre - VerilöylyKeskiviikko 07.11.2007 22:52

Kun luet tämän viestin, vietä muutaman minuutin hiljaisuus heille, ketkä menehtyivät Jokelan ampumakohtauksessa. Kun olet viettänyt hiljaisuutta, kopioi tämä viesti ja lisää se omaan päiväkirjaasi. Menehtyneet ansaitsevat hiljaisuuden.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 07.11.2007 15:32

PACHO2073 NAMMMM <sydän><sydän><sydän>

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 04.11.2007 19:16

- Janne

2. GANGSTA NIMESI: (ekat 3 kirjainta etunimestä plus izzle.)

3.ETSIVÄNIMESI: (lempiväri ja lempieläin)
- vihree koala

4.. STAR WARS NIMESI: (ekat 3 kirjainta sukunimestä, ekat 2 kirjainta etunimestä, ekat 3 kirjainta äidin tyttönimestä)
- nymjatii

5. SUPERSANKARINIMESI: (toinen lempivärisi, lempijuoma)
- punanen bisse

6. IRAQ-NIMESI: (1. kirjain etunimestä, 3. kirjain sukunimestä, mikä tahansa kirjain toisesta nimestä, 2 kirjain äidin tyttönimestä, 3. kirjain isän toisesta nimestä, 1. kirjain siskon/veljen nimestä, viimeinen kirjain äidin toisesta nimestä)
- Jmrihdo

7. INTIAANINIMESI: (lempiväri ja lemmikkisi nimi)
- vihree vimma<3

PARAS<3Lauantai 13.10.2007 17:43

hmm...Tiistai 02.10.2007 18:38

Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Should be banned
It's a day that I can't stand

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss
Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life

And if you go, I wanna go with you
And if you die, I wanna die with you

Take your hand and walk away

The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
And it's mine
It's a day that I'm glad I survived......

Liina: Mut mä en oo syöny mitään sen jälkee ko mä viimeks söin mun hampaat <33

xDDDD Jaahas jaahas xDD

Kyl se on sulonen &lt;sydän&gt;&lt;sydän&gt;&lt;sydän&gt;

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*Reps xD

<33Maanantai 20.08.2007 00:08


D12 - My band <3Maanantai 13.08.2007 16:56

no ihan paras ;D <3<33

I don't know dude...
I think everyone's all jealous and shit cuz I'm like the lead singer of a band dude...
And I think everyone's got a fucking problem with me dude...
And they need to take it up with me after the show...

These chicks don't even know the name of my band...
But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands...
Cuz once I blow they know that i'll be the man...
All because I'm the lead singer of my band...

[Verse 1 - Eminem]
So I get off stage right and drop the mic
Walk up to the hot chicks and I'm all like
"Sup ladies, my name's Slim Shady.
I'm the lead singer in D12 baby"
They're all like "Oh my god it's him"
"Becky oh my fuckin' god it's Eminem"
"I swear to fucking god dude you fuckin rock"
"Please Marshall please let me suck your cock"
And by now the rest of the fellas get jealous
Especially when I drop the beat and do my acapellas
All the chicks start yellin', all the hot babes
Throw their bras and their shirt and their panties on stage
So like every single night they pick a fight with me
But when we fight it's kinda like sibling rivalry
Cuz they're back on stage the next night with me
Dude I just think you're tryna steal the light from me
Yesterday Kuniva tried to pull a knife on me
Cause I told him Jessica Alba's my wife to be
This rock star shit, it's the life for me
And all the other guys just despise me because

These chicks don't even know the name of my band...
But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands...
Cuz once I blow they know that i'll be the man...
All because I'm the lead singer of my band...
My band [x9]

[Verse 2 - Swift]
You just wanna see a nigga backwards don't you
Hey dad how come we don't rap on Protools
Smash these vocals and do a performance
But we in the van and he in a tour bus
You don't want my autograph, yous a liar
And no I'm Swift (oh I thought you was Kuniva)
What the hell is wrong with that dressing room
Cuz my shit is looking smaller than a decimal
See I know how to rap, see it's simple but
All I did was read a Russell Simmons book
So I'm more intact, tryna get on the map
Doin' jumping jacks whilin' get whipped on my back

[Verse 3 - Kuniva and Kon Artist]
Look at Em little punk ass thinkin' he the shit
Yeah I know man find himself taking on a flick
Hey I thought we had an interview with DJ Clue
([Em:] No I had an interview not you two)
You gonna be late for soundcheck
Man I ain't goin' to soundcheck
But our mics are screwed up and his always sound best
You know what man I'ma say something
Hey yo Em
([Em:] You got something to say?!)
Man no
I thought you bout to tell him off, what's up
Man I'ma tell him when I feel like it, man shut up
And you ain't even back me up when we s'posed to be crew
When I was bout to talk right after you
I swear, I swear man

These chicks don't even know the name of my band...
But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands...
Cuz once I blow they know that i'll be the man...
All because I'm the lead singer of my band...

[Verse 4 - Proof]
They say the lead singers rock, but the group does not
Once we sold out arenas to the amusement park
I'm gonna let the world know that proof is hot
I should cut his mic off when the musics starts
Ready to snap on a dumb ass fan
Every time i hear (Hey dude I love your band)
We ain't a band bitch we don't play instruments
So why he get 90 and we only get 10 percent
And these guys they can find every area code
([Em:] Proof carry my bag)
Bitch carry your own
Can't make it to the stage, security in my way
(Who the fuck are you? Where's Obie and Dre?!)

[Verse 5 - Bizarre]
Goddammit I'm sick of this group
Time for me to go solo and make some loot
I told you I made the beats and wrote all the raps
Till Kon Artist slipped me some crack
Lose Yourself video I was in the back
Superman video I was in the back
Fuck the media, I got some suggestions
Fuck Marshall, ask us the questions
Like who's D12, how we get started
(But what about Eminem?)
Bitch are you retarded?
Anyway I'm the popularest guy in the group
Big ass stomach, bitches think I'm cute (hey sexy)
50 told me to do situps to get buff
I did two and a half and then I couldn't get up
Fuck D12, I'm outta this band
I'm gonna start a group with the real Roxanne

Girl why cant you see your the only one for me
and it just tears my ass apart to know that you don't know my name...
[Chorus - Bizarre]
These chicks don't even know the name of my band...(ha ha)
But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands...(Fuck Marshall)
Cuz once I blow I know that i'll be the man...
All because I'm the lead singer of my band...
My Band [6x]
Loves me

The hottest boy band in the world...
[Eminem as a salsa singer]
I'm the lead singer of my band, I get all the girl's to take off their underpants
And the lead singer of my band, my salsa
Makes all the pretty girl's wan to dance
My salsa, look out for my next single, it's called My Salsa...
My salsa, salsa, salsa, salsa, my salsa
My salsa makes all the pretty girls wan to dance
And take off their underpants
My salsa makes all the pretty girls wan to dance
And take off their underpants, my salsa
(Where'd everybody go?)