


All you ever did was wreck me

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What Pokémon Are You?Maanantai 25.08.2008 15:29

You scored as a Vulpix
You are an Vulpix, The fox of fire that always like a good hug and also doesn't skip being broomed, you do have a bad side tough...if someone touches you wrong you burn his face 9 of the 10 times...

A Lot Of Beautiful Things Are Left UnsaidPerjantai 22.08.2008 00:49

To you, I said so many things,
That I could have left unsaid,
It was unnecessary to yell, to make you cry,
You left and said, "You'll never see me again."

Now I'm in regret,
And I can not sleep,
Words hurt,
How can I get my sentences back?

Too often everything beautiful,
Ends in tears,
Too much is left undone...
We should live as if every day's our last one,
A lot of beautiful things are left unsaid...
When you lose someone.

Would you be here,
If I had said "I'm sorry"?,
I wouldn't be alone,
With my guilt.

Memories hurt,
And I can not sleep,
It's pointless to expect,
That I could get it all back...

Too often everything beautiful,
Ends in tears,
Too much is left undone...
We should live as if every day's our last one,
A lot of beautiful things are left unsaid...
When you lose someone.

That night was so dark,
Your coat was found on the road,
Now candles are decorating that place...
No matter how much I want,
Nothing will bring you back,
You left and said, "You'll never see me again."

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 17.08.2008 23:54

En enää ikinä ryhdy lapsenvahdiksi.
Muistuttakaa mua.
En enää koskaan.

What Be Your Pirate Name?Sunnuntai 03.08.2008 15:07

Captain Jenny Kidd
Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

What Kind of Angel Are You?Tiistai 29.07.2008 02:16

You are the Granting Angel! You love to please people. If you had the powers to please anyone's will, no matter how crazy their wish, you would. You would love to grant anyone and everyone's wish whatever it may be. Good luck trying to do that!

You are the Angel of Darkness! Unlike the Angel Demon, you simply are closer to the darker side in other people than you are with their good side. You are not evil, but just misunderstood most of the time. Most people would consider you weird or a freak for the way you are, but you know otherwise.

ÄÄYHKeskiviikko 23.07.2008 01:36

EI JAKSA TÖITÄ! Viel joku kaks viikkoo vittuuu! Ja ei oo rahaa Ankkarockiin ellei palkka tuu ja vähän äkkiä! D=

Winner Takes It AllSunnuntai 20.07.2008 17:48

I got in over my head,
And because of it, I'm dead,
The winner takes it all,
The loser's standing small.

The way I treated you,
Was never ever true,
What I want to say,
Is the reason I can't stay.

Now I'm the one losing,
You're the one choosing,
I'm the girl who cries,
You're the boy who lies.

Does she kiss the way I kiss,
Will you miss what I will miss,
Does it feel the same,
When she calls your name?

I wish I could hurt you,
The way you hurt me too,
I wish you would cry,
And when I'd go, you'd die.

But the one who lost, was me,
I was too blind to see,
While I wanted it all,
You were building a wall.

I know all my mistakes,
I feel how my heart breaks,
I really love you, dear,
But I won't ever have you near.

Aw<3 Lontoo<3Tiistai 08.07.2008 23:49

Vei sydämein<3
Ja varsinkin tää yks. :DDD Joka olikin sitten hintti... ;___;
Mut ihana silti. x]

Elii~~... Menin, olin, näin, rakastin. London Eye, Big Ben, etc, etc... :D Jeij. Shoppailut, woo... Rahaa meni... Ja vitusti. :D

Mutta joo, kyselkää ni vastaan, emmä jaksa ny. xD

JanskultaMaanantai 23.06.2008 13:21

Valitse mesestä satunnaisena joku, jolle sanot nämä lauseet ja katso reaktio.

1. Koska seuraavan kerran? ;)
Miljaaaaaaa says (10:14):
EN tiiäää xD

2. Keksiviikkona sitte juodaan? :)
Karkkii says (10:14):
mitää? keksiviikkona? xD

3. Tiesikkö et mä oon lesbo nykyään? ;)
Pikatxuu says (10:16):
; D
Pikatxuu says (10:16):
How lesbian?

4. Mä oon vissiin raskaana ..
Minnake says (10:13):
miitäs sä olet menny tekemään? D:

- Mul oli eilen mies yö vieraita, ethän kerro kellekkään? :s
[[ Minni oli ilkeä eikä vastannut eli Milja uusiks ]]
Miljaaaaaaa says (10:20):
no tietty kerron, solin minä<3

7:45 lähtee lento, eli jos huvittaa tulla antaa pusuja ja haleja kentälle, nii tervetuloa! :D
Mua ei oo kukaan saattamassa... >: Mutsi Ylivieskas, broidii ei varmaa ees kiinnosta, systeri töis.

AIN oon yksinäin~
Ei kukaan musta piittaa~
Ei huolia oo näin~
Ja kukaan ei mua piinaa~

lul'z, Aasi<3 :D