


My attitude needs a diaper change.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 24.04.2007 00:56

minttujäätelö on hyvää. (: nam!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 28.02.2007 21:40

Ribari tapaaminen, kröhöm, joo oli aika hiljasta. :DD ihan jees tyyppei, pari vähän oudompaa yksilöäkin löytyi. :D Mut joo tulee varmaa olee siistii niinku ride sano. :D Tuomas on aika kool opiskelija tyyppi. gintsu ja sanna on kivoi. (:

Well actually en tuu ikinä oppii niitä juttuja ulkoo. :D

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.02.2007 01:13

Hei jee, huomen pääsee värjää hiukset. :)

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.02.2007 15:44

Pinjalla, Postiluukku kolahti.
Sini:"Salee joku laitto jonku valituksen tuolta."
Sini ja Pinja kävelee postiluukulle.
"Sini:"Sielt tuli kenkä!"

HAUSKAA YSTÄVÄNPÄIVÄÄ!!!Keskiviikko 14.02.2007 17:08

The best things in life
can never be kept;
They must be given away.
A Smile, a Kiss, and Love.

- Tony Farrar -


[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.02.2007 22:44

He means so much to me I just wish he knew..
because when I'm around him the skies are different blue..
and when he talks to me my knees begin to shake..
the last thing I want is another heartbreak..
if he would love me like I do..
I could tell him that I will always be true..
but when I try to talk I just dont know what to say..
because I know he doesn't feel the same way...

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 08.02.2007 22:46

En voi kertoa mun ruotsin pistarin numeroo, ku pinja tappaa mut. :(

Suomen mestarit 2007!!Sunnuntai 04.02.2007 22:46



Uujea TANSKA EM here we come! <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 03.02.2007 22:50

First step of love is friendship...
...And last one is friendship too

awwwwww...Lauantai 03.02.2007 13:58

I can't sleep at night
I can't think during the day
Your always in my mind
Every night and day

I want to tell you
Tell you i love you
But im afraid
Afraid you won't love me

Everytime you talk to me
I can barely find the words to speak
I wish i could tell you
Tell you your the one i seek

Your my longing
My hallucination
You make me scream
You make me smile

I wish i could tell you
Tell you i love you
But im terrified
Terrified you wont love me.