


Valtteri Mastomäki

All That Remains - Not AloneTiistai 01.04.2008 19:34

No more
No more are the days that I will
Fear for I have found a strength that
None can match and I'll push forward

Never has the blood in my veins
Flowed so fiercely as when I feel this around me
I am whole

Im not alone.
With the touch of your hand,
I am whole again (x2)

Now I feel the passion burning
This what drives me further
Strengthens my resolve to push me further

Im not alone

And Im not alone.
With the touch of your hand,
I am whole again (x2)

No more are the days that I will
Fear for I have found a strength that
None can match and I'll push forward

Now I feel the passion burning
This what drives me further
Strengthens my resolve to push me further

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