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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 14.07.2008 03:03

i'm just a normal boy that sank when i fell overboard
my ship will leave the country, but i'd rather swim ashore
without a life-vest i'd be stuck again
wish i was much more masculine
maybe then i could learn to swim like
14 miles away

now floating up and down
i spin colliding into sound
like whales beneath me diving down
i'm sinking to the bottom of my everything that freaks me out
the lighthouse beam has just run out
i'm cold as cold as cold can be, be

i want to swim away but i dont know how
sometimes it feels just like i'm falling in the ocean
let the waves up, take me down
let the hurricane set in motion, yea
let the rain of what i feel right now come down,
let the rain come down

where is the coast guard i keep looking each direction
for a spotlight give me something... i need something for protection
maybe flopsam junk will do just fine
the jetsam sunk i left behind
i'm now treading for my life believe me,
how can i keep up this breathing?
not knowing how to think i scream aloud begin to sink
my legs and arms are broken down
with envy for the solid ground
i'm reaching for the life within me
how can one man stop his ending
i thought of just your face
relaxed and floated into space

i want to swim away but i dont know how
sometimes it feels just like i'm falling in the ocean
let the waves up, take me down
let the hurricane set in motion, yea
let the rain of what i feel right now come down,
let the rain come down

now waking to the sun i calculate what i had done
like jumping from the bow yea just to prove that i knew how yea
its midnights late reminder of the loss of her, the one i love
My will to quickly end it all
Set front row in my need to fall

into the ocean end it all
into the ocean end it all
into the ocean end it all
into the ocean end it all

i want to swim away but i dont know how
sometimes it feels just like i'm falling in the ocean
let the waves up, take me down
let the hurricane set in motion, yea
let the rain of what i feel right now come down,
let the rain come down

into space
i thought of just your face

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 13.07.2008 21:57

All I ever wanted
Was to see you smiling
All I ever wanted
Was to make you mine
I know that I love you
Oh baby why don't you see
That All I ever wanted
Was you and me

I'm so alone
Here on my own
And I'm waiting for you to come
I want to be a part of you
Think of all the things we could do
And everyday
You're in my head
I want to have you in my bed
You are the world
You win my eyes
For you're all I want in my life

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 11.07.2008 16:30

Now youÂ’re gone
I realize my love for you was strong
And i miss you here now youÂ’re gone
IÂ’ve been waiting here by the phone with youÂ’re pictures hanging on the wall

Is this the way itÂ’s meant to be?
Only dreaming that youÂ’re missing me
IÂ’m waiting here at home
IÂ’ll be crazy now youÂ’re gone

ThereÂ’s an empty place in my heart
It wonÂ’t alarm me it will break apart
It wonÂ’t heal, it never fades away
IÂ’ll be thinkinÂ’ Â’bout you everyday

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.07.2008 01:37

Look at me
My depth perception must be off again
'Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did
It has not healed with time...
It just shot down my spine.
You look so beautiful tonight
Remind me how you laid us down
And gently smiled
Before you destroyed my life.

Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces?
(Let me rest in pieces)
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces?
(Let me rest in pieces)

Look at me
My depth perception must be off again
You got much closer than I thought you did
I'm in your reach
You held me in your hands.

Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces?
(Let me rest in pieces)
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces?
(Let me rest in pieces)

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.07.2008 21:45

Said I'd move on and I'd leave it alone
But before I walk out there is something that I need you to know
I got lost in the blink of an eye
And I could never get back, no I never got back Â…

You were not there when I wanted to say
That you were everything right
And it wasn't you but me that changed
Now I gotta go it alone
But I will never give up, no I'll never give up.

What am I fighting for?
There must be something more
For all these words I sing
Do you feel anything?

Said “I'm ok”, but I know how to lie
You were all that I had
You were delicate and hard to find
Got lost in the back of my mind
And I could never get back, no I never got back

You were not there when I needed to say
I hit the bottom so fast
That my head was spinning ‘round for days
Now I gotta go it alone
But I will never give upÂ…
No I'll never give upÂ…

What am I fighting for?
There must be something more
For all these words I sing
Do you feel anything?

What am I fighting for?

What am I fighting for?

Never give upÂ….. on this
Never give upÂ…. Up on this
Never give upÂ…. On this
Never give uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup on this

Said “I'm ok” but I know how to lie
I will never give up, no I'll never give up

What am I fighting for?
There must be something more
For all these words I sing
Do you feel anything?

What am I fighting for?
No, I'm never gonna give up, give up

What am I fighting for?
No, I'm never gonna give up, give up

Said that I'd fight for the one that I found
I'm gonna stay here while I wait for you to come around
I'll fight, you're a part of me now
And I will never give up, no I'll never give up

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.07.2008 15:33

kuva by: hwli
aiheet: _jannna,Clocks,hwli

vissii jännää taas vaihteeks :D

etsi keskustelusta siipeilijäLauantai 05.07.2008 04:55

<Clocks> nyt nauran kun billy ui pyörätuolinsa kanssa köli pohjassa, oon väsynyt :D:D enkä saa ees kättä suun eteen ku kirjotan

<hwli> Ei pyörätuolin kanssa voi uida hei! : D

<_jannna> voihan :o

<Clocks> pyörittää pyöriä vaan ja ui!

<hwli> No siis kai sen kanssa voi : d mut siis en nyt välttämättä sanois sitä enää uimiseks : D

<Clocks> onhan rannoillakin aina jossain semmosia invalaitureita!

<_jannna> nii ja Billy varmaa ekana hyppiis sieltä kalliolta La Pushin poikien kaa

<Clocks> heli nauran apua ==D voi vittu nauran lisää noille hyppimisille ::D

<_jannna> mitä iha normaalia :<

<hwli> No nii mut siis eihän ne ui sen pyörätuolin kanssa! : D ne nostetaan sillä jutulla siitä pyörätuolista sinne veteen :__D Joo hei bily sinne hyppii vähä kalliolta ; )
Sehän on ihan luonnollista että pyörätuolissa istuva vanha mies hyppää monta montamonta metriä korkealta kalliolta veteen =)=)=)

<_jannna> billyn pyörätuoli ainaki siipeilee mukana vedes :<

<Duhh> Kummia juttuja. :o

<_jannna> eipä >:/ älä tuu meille aukoon !

<Duhh> <'D Onpas. Hassuja.

<_jannna> nnnytNYT meni yli !

<Clocks> meni yli pyörätuolin laitojen

<_jannna> todellakin. nyt pyörätuoli on nostettu pöydälle.
Kepa sanoo (1:10):
***** vihjaa avioliitosta sulle janna!
Kepa sanoo (1:10):
mee sen kanssa naimisiin
HeLi sanoo (1:10):
haha :_______D
Kepa sanoo (1:10):
heli meidän unelmien poikamies valitsi jannan!!
HeLi sanoo (1:11):
jannnna. sanoo (1:11):
Kepa sanoo (1:11):
se meni nyt loppuen lopuksi näin päin >;
HeLi sanoo (1:11):
nyt vedän ranteet auki.
jannnna. sanoo (1:11):
nyt sitä jesaria tänne !
HeLi sanoo (1:11):

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.07.2008 02:39

Now the sky could be blue
I donÂ’t mind
Without you itÂ’s a waste of time
Would be blue
I donÂ’t mind
Without you itÂ’s a waste of time

Well the sky could be blue
Could be grey
Without you IÂ’m just miles away

Well, the sky could be blue
I donÂ’t mind
Without you itÂ’s a waste of time

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 04.07.2008 23:59

"It's just that, I know how you're unhappy a lot. And, maybe it doesn't help anything, but I wanted you to
know that I'm always here. I won't ever let you down—I promise that you can always count on me.
Wow, that does sound corny. But you know that, right? That I would never, ever hurt you?"
-Jacob Black