


markus = munapää alppiapina, ruttunaamainen kyttääjä, utopistinen sänkisääri

yesterday's feeling-->eilisen tunteita<3Sunnuntai 29.06.2008 18:43

Close my eyes and move to the back of my mind
The worries are washed out to sea
See the changes, people's faces blurred out
Like sunspots or raindrops...

Now all those feelings, those yesterdays feelings will all be lost in time.
but today ive wasted away for today is on my mind...

Left the only worries I had in my hands,
Away from the light in my eyes..
Holding tight and try not to hide how i feel....

'Cause Feelings mean nothing

Now all those feelings, those yesterdays feelings will all be lost in time
but today IÂ’ve wasted away for today is on my mind
(yeah today is on my mind)

I can't care to worry
Im feeling so lonely
Breaking apart all this love in my heart
Close my eyes and move to the back of my mind

Where feelings mean nothing

Now All those feelings, those yesterdays feelings will all be lost in time (all be lost in time)
But today IÂ’ve wasted away, for today is on my mind
For today is on my mind
Yeah today is on my mind

Now I care to worry
IÂ’m feeling so lonely
Breaking apart all this love in my heart...

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