


mikä tää on

moiMaanantai 15.09.2008 21:42

etsin sydänystävää.

ilmoita jos kiinnostuit :)

moiLauantai 13.09.2008 16:44

and you open the door and you step inside
were inside our hearts
now imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light
thats right, your pain
the pain itself is a white ball of healing light
i dont think so

this is your life, good to the last drop
doesnt get any better than this
this is your life and its ending one minute at a time

this isnt a seminar, this isnt a weekend retreat
where you are now you cant even imagine what the bottom will be like
only after disaster can be resurrected
its only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything
nothing is static, everything is appaling, everything is falling apart

this is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
doesnt get any better than this
this is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
and it and its ending one minute at a time

you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
you are the same decaying organic matter as everything else
we are all the part of the same compost heap
we are the all singing, all dancing, crap of the world

you are not your bank account
you are not the clothes you wear
you are not the contents of your wallet
you are not your bowel cancer
you are not your grande latte
you are not the car you drive
you are not your fucking khaki's

you have to give up, you have to give up
you have to realize that someday you will die
until you know that, you are useless

I say let me never be complete
I say may I never be content
I say deliver me from Swedish furniture
I say deliver me from clever arts
I say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth
I say you have to give up
I say evolve, and let the chips fall where they may

this is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
doesn't get any better than this
this is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
and it and it's ending one minute at a time

you have to give up, you have to give up
i want you to hit me as hard as you can
i want you to hit me as hard as you can

welcome to Fight Club
if this is your first night, you have to fight

moiPerjantai 12.09.2008 22:33

ah kohta pääsee taas toteuttaa yhen unelman JEJ. yöks ajelee, nyt pitäs ettii sopivii ajomusii ja toivoo ettei oo yöpaccasta = jäätä hirviä tai muuta aktiviteettia :<

moiMaanantai 08.09.2008 23:18

NYT SE EI OO KOLMIO ENÄÄ NI; iha eri peli nyt, ego nous ainaki 2kw

moiMaanantai 08.09.2008 23:17


moiTiistai 02.09.2008 19:33

herätys 8:35, syön ja puen
9:20 katsastuskonttorille inssii
9:45 inssikaveri tuli kertoo, et ei pysty, huonot kengät
10:10 himas, varasin uuden isnsin 12:45, söin ja katoin jyoutupesta kaikkihyvinmiittivideoit
11:00 himas söin ja katoin lisää mitittiviefdoit SUTII SDUTIOI SUTII SUTII KGÄRKLgälägad
12:05 lähtö ajokorttii -> ajokengät -> katsastuskonttorille
12:45 inssikaveri tuli kertoo, et nonii annatko vielä harkkaluvat ni lähetää
no hain harkkaluvat ja tääpä huomas et harkkaluvan myöntöpäivä 6.8
sit turvotti, no sit kotii
13:20 koton ja pienet bileet sit miittivideoit ja
14:15 kouluu tunnix, yks läpsy ja äikän tunti
15:45 himaa ja hyvä päivä koulus _b

ps. ensviikol kolmio kauas pois

moiLauantai 30.08.2008 15:36


moiKeskiviikko 27.08.2008 21:35


on muuten kyl vähän laiha fiilis, semmoj nuhanen, koulu on kivaa ja kaikki kusee, ei jaksais

moiMaanantai 25.08.2008 18:27

ois niin helppo vaan lähtee

moiLauantai 23.08.2008 16:11

why have you forsaken me
in your eyes forsaken me
in your thoughts forsaken me
in your heart forsaken, me oh
trust in my self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
in my self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die