
old day`sTorstai 03.09.2009 17:00

verse: do you remember when mj did thriller do you
remember how much we dance`t everybody wanted
to be like michael, and music use to be like something
close to you like heart i could feel the beat in my soul
like i was in club, so right and when you found that
girl to dance with it was on that use to show her what
i was about wit my move damn miss them

chorus:everyday a new music new fools
new style new you new something
els but i swear they dont do it like
old day`s, i wish i could click the past
back like a tv-show so i could listne the
good old music like i say they dont do it
like old day`s

verse2: i still remember when i heard cool and the gang
fresh so fresh, so clasic cos i still do have it
and when i got the right girl ill sing it for her cos she
so fresh so unles you dont listne the old music son
you miss`t good stuff good music that could change you
like the style did on 80`s, remember when lauren hill and the
boy`s came damn i was so in love with her voice like a angel
so this is why i still say they dont make music like old day`s so
please bring back the old days

chorus:everyday a new music new fools
new style new you new something
els but i swear they dont do it like
old day`s, i wish i could click the past
back like a tv-show so i could listne the
good old music like i say they dont do it
like old day`s

life what a place to liveKeskiviikko 02.09.2009 21:04

hei, alotetaan vaikka sillä, olen katsonu asioita ja tullu siihen päätöksen
että ihmiset osaavat olla ilkeitä toisilleen ja välinpitämättömiä miksi en tiiä
ehkä vaa sentakia koska me halutaan tehä niin jotkut sanoo että teen sen
tahattomasti mutta ei sellasta edes ole ku tahaton. joskus mun tekis mieli lukea
ihmisten ajatuksia mutta sitte toisaalta oisko se hyvä ajatus :D mitä kaikkea sieltä
löytäis, salaisuuksia noloja tapahtumia ja kaikkee muutaki, mutta musta tuntuu että
ihmiset eivät tajua elämän merkitystä ennenku se on liian myöhästä otetaan vaikka esim
skinit joo mä ymmärrän sellasen ihmisen joka on kokenu jtn tosi pahaa ja siitä on jääny traumoja
mutta miksi vihata ihmisen väriä kulttuuria vaa sentakia koska se on erillaista ??!?? HALOO PAHVIT
VUOS ON 2009 KOHTA 2010 mutta silti me ei tajuta, ajatelkaa nytten kuinka paljon kallista aikaa siihen
menee vihata jotaki ei niinku käsitä mä mielummin käytän sen ajan mikä mulle on suotu tutustumaan
nii moneen erillaiseen ihmiseen ku mä pystyn olkoon se suomalainen ruotsalainen kiinalainen venäläinen ihan sama kaikki me ollaan ihmisii ja uskokaa pois jos maailmasta sammutettais valot
ja täällä ois pimeetä pilkkopimeetä me kaikki näytetään samalta (meitä ei näy :D) miksi nii käy
se vaa todistaa yhen asian vaikka oot musta valkonen keltanen oranssi ( sellasiii on ) ruskee
nii me kaikki ollaan ihmisii kukaan ei oo toista tärkeempi, luuletko ku tulee maailman loppu että raha
määrä tai vaikutusvalta takaisi meille etumatkaa ei ei ei ei me kaikki lähetään samasta ruudusta niinku
me lähettiin alussaki, mä sanon aina itelleni "ettei toi oo parempi ja joku kysyy miten nii,
koska ton äiti on tota kantanu yheksän kuukautta niinku mun äiti mua joten miten nii se on erikoisempi ku minä ? , no sillä on rikas tausta, nii mutta se ei oo ite tehny sitä rahaa vaa sen vanhemmat jos mä opiskelen kovaa ja mä haluun jonku unelman olkoon mikä tahanssa nii se ratkasee
ei se että sillä on rikkaat vanhemmat, jos mä haluun vaatteita mä teen sen eteen työtä jos mä haluun hienon auton mä teen sen eteen töitä ison talon tee sen eteen töitä usko pois siinä vaiheessa ku olet saavuttanu päämääräsi nii arvostat noita asioita ja etkä pelkää menettää niitä koska tiedät että jos menetät teet sen eteen taas kovaa työtä. en tiiä miks kirjotan tällästä mut teki mieli ja sillon kirjottelen tälläsii ehkä jollekki tää merkkaa jtn ja moni ei ees edes vilkaise mut se on mun ajatukset gallerian päiväkirjassa, ja joo niinku sanon aina rasismisuus ei oo yksinpuolista
sitä näkee kummallaki puolella meijän pitäis vaa ymmärtää nauttia tästä ajasta jota meille on suotu koska uskokaa pois aika ei oo ystävä aikaa ei saa takas se vaa menee eteenpäin ja joskus kovaa mutta sillon pitää muistaa pysähtyä ja nauttia nii nauttia elämästä hehehe

Louis Armstrong





kingdom come downLauantai 29.08.2009 23:51

verse: i use to own this world, use to do what i want
never felt lonly, never felt what i feel now, i can
see the fear in your eye`s there wont be tommorrow
you are gone my friend, your enemy dancing in your castle
the king is dead so where do you go when all you knew is gone

the war you star`t is killing your peoplle and all you can say
is i em sorry

chorus: i hear tear drops like a song play`t outside
i hear children shout gun go of, is this what you
were looking for a kingdom come down the place last year
use to shine is this years blood street theres nothing for you and
me just the war that we left the two war lords have become lonly
old mans so they say`t enough is enough but i know is too late to

verse:we use to be friends, love the same girl
even gave the same gold to her. and now we
look back and we see we stop`t to be the man we
use to be, is so sad how could we be so blind is this
a dream or a magic trick is this true or a lie i wont wake
up even though i try,

chorus: i hear tear drops like a song play`t outside
i hear children shout gun go of, is this what you
were looking for a kingdom come down the place last year
use to shine is this years blood street theres nothing for you and
me just the war that we left the two war lords have become lonly
old mans so they say`t enough is enough but i know is too late to

L.L.D (Love,Life,Destiny)Torstai 27.08.2009 02:46

verse1:love is so cool she gave me
so much, its like she knew
cos she came to me like the air
i breath she`s the one i need.
now i hope she keeps me close
so ill take her closer so we can be
like two lover` can knock me down
few times she`s not that nice but she makes
me stronger i hope i make you happy so we can
walk forever. destiny she gives me the things i want
she comes when im in need, my best friend the rest can
watch us like a movie its cool to have you next to me so
we can make history

chorys:love, life, destiny what more
can i say, day in day out i hope
they wont let me down and if they
do i wish they could come back to me
cos i need them like they need me
love,life,destiny my dear i swear i wont
let you go ! just to let you know this is the new
love story

verse2:destiny she was gone for a minute
so i didint know what to do i was lost
without you, my fear was that you left me
standing here all alone this life wont forgive me
if you dont come back. love didint love me cos i did her wrong
so i made a song just to make her see that im a change man
so i wont do you bad would you take me back, the mistakes
can wright of so come let me show you how life can make us enjoy
its not crazy if you wanna be with me. you are everything i need
love life destiny my bestfriends

chorys:love, life, destiny what more
can i say, day in day out i hope
they wont let me down and if they
do i wish they could come back to me
cos i need them like they need me
love,life,destiny my dear i swear i wont
let you go ! just to let you know this is the new
love story

sad songs of our day`sLauantai 22.08.2009 17:19

verse:now that the smoke is gone, and the sorrow is dead
what would the new king do, i mean what would you
like me to do. the crown is finaly here, peoplle crying
no lie, the sun is here let it shine your life let me wipe
those tears, she has been walking many day`s she looks
like she lost everything close to her, i mean she lost it forever
let me save you let me be your dark night, the shinen hero of
the other side. if you need my help just call me ill be there to
make your pain go away, i know your heart dont have peace
your soul is burning because you seen too much, is too much
to loose too much is this

chorus: the sad songs of our day`s
can somebody please give me
light can you hold me, hold me
close dont let me go let me be here
next to you, like it was yesterday can you
make me smile again tears in her eyes
a mother who lost her son what more can
i say, the sad songs of our day`s will play again
but dont worry ill be here as long you need me

history pt 2 ( voitto)Perjantai 21.08.2009 17:23

nyt ku kaikki on menneet
ja mikää ei oo ku ennen
silti voitto on meijän ees
joten laulan tän laulun
teille kaikille,soikoon kunnes
aurinko laskee vuorten taa
olin vähä aikaa poissa mut nyt
oon taas takas, joten eiköhä
mennä kaikki vauhdissa. älä
pysähdy vaa jatka matkaa kunnes
sun jalat ei kanna, mietit mitä oikeen
teit ku mikään ei onnistunu mut kai se
oli rakkaus joka teki susta voittajan,voittaja
mikä naurettava ajatus just ku totuit siihe että
menetit kaikes siis kaikes en puhu rahasta tai
materiaalista puhun sielust ja sydämmist, kuuluuko
sotarummut sinne asti, olla vai eikö olla se ikuinen kysymys
säilyy edellee historiassa ja toistaa itsensä kuin nrj hitti lista, teen
listan minkä jätän taakseni päästä kaikista irti nii näät ekaa kerta
itsesi. joten etköhä hymyile ku nähdään seuraavan kerran, ihan ku ekaa
kertaa hengitän siis ilma maistuu nii hyvältä, katon taakse ja sen matkan minkä
tein, vihdoinki maalilla tein historiaa !

ku kaikki on menneet
ja mikää ei oo ku ennen
silti voitto on meijän ees
ja laulan tän laulun teille kaikille.

historyPerjantai 21.08.2009 15:54

verse1:now that the war is over are we still there, tell me what can i say to the child that lost family or the mother who lost her sons the goverment what a sons of ummm shhh i wont say but you know whats on my mind. is this the history we made,but it wont... make me smile for freedom the blood of innocents, we made history but why do i still feel so affraid why dos the freedom hurt so many its crazy, right?

chorus: is this what we are leaving for
our children, is this what we
want them to see to feel so much
pain, rain keeps droping and the hate
still lives in my heart feels like this bad
dream wont end i mean did we really make
something good its like the old man say history
repeats itself and now we call that victory

verse2:the man who believes is criminal what is
wrong with us, just take a momment and stop
being so blind so what if he`s black or if he`s a
white man with a black women, so tired my eyes wont
even understand my heart is too weak to smile so someone
please bring me a sunshine i need a harmony cos the song
in singing is so sad that it made a old man cry, where is love
did we forget, i wont be mad long ill forgive but right now mister
bush im done with you and your freedom speech its not what we need!
tell me before you go

chorus: is this what we are leaving for
our children, is this what we
want them to see to feel so much
pain, rain keeps droping and the hate
still lives in my heart feels like this bad
dream wont end i mean did we really make
something good its like the old man say history
repeats itself and now we call that victory

is this what we are leaving for
our children, is this what we
want them to see to feel so much
pain, rain keeps droping and the hate
still lives in my heart feels like this bad
dream wont end i mean did we really make
something good its like the old man say history
repeats itself and now we call that victory

midnight song Perjantai 21.08.2009 04:10

verse1:i know i made my self
see im standing on my two feets
i gues im blest but not with love
not this, so em i stupid or blind
the beat is going slow while tears
are coming down. i mean if i dont run
then who is canna run this town, i swear
the king is lost so ill be him get me the crown
acting like a bunch of fool`s is you high on your
cool or are you just a stupid clown bow hit you with
one two combo waau. the world is dark so let me put the lights
on, haters keep hating me but its OKKEY, i got few shit on my
chess jes i didint forget not you the same dude i save`t last year
are you still here, keep the song playing heey dj turn me up so i can
hear my self,

chorys: its a midnight song
wont end untill my eyes
are close`t and ill go ofline.
its on wake me up when its dawn
so i can keep doing this wright a nother
one, artist wont stay forever but lyrics will
so if you know these words just sing along
because its a midnight song !

good love ( what you wanna do )Torstai 13.08.2009 06:02

verse1: she is like what i sow last night
i mean in my dream, she is hot
like a summer sun, her looks got me
saying damn she is like a summer night
lets spend some time honey cos right now
im crazy about you. when she comes around
she makes my heart feel so good i really like you
so tell me what do you wanna do

chorys:you and i we can be like bonnie and
clyde, you can be my best crime i really
mean it i need your kiss, your body got
me loose my mind, my dear come closer
so i can say these words to your ear
you can be my number one let you feel
good love forever is how ever you like
let me have you, call me later and tell me
what you wanna do

verse: they call me chase but right now
ill be just chasing you,tell me what you
like? diamonds on your neck i can give you that,
i like fly girls like you so cool got everything i want
damn i knew this would happend see im falling for this
girl, tell me where do you wanna go the world is your`s
i need me a good girl that could give me the good love so
good got me saying uuh she`s the type i wanna baby all
i em saying is i like ya

chorys:you and i we can be like bonnie and
clyde, you can be my best crime i really
mean it i need your kiss, your body got
me loosing my mind, my dear come closer
so i can say these words to your ear
you can be my number one let you feel
good love, is how ever you like
let me have you, call me later and tell me
what you wanna do

whyTiistai 11.08.2009 05:09

holla put down the guns lets talk about it
man why you wanna hate why you wanna take
my life, how deep is your pain what did i do
why you wanna start a war let the rain come
so your pain can wash away like the wind let
it blow the bad things just go, you dont even know
me but still you wanna keep hating, me im just chillin
tell your boys to stop dreaming about my ending see
boy you can call me mister ghost cos when i ride you wont
see me, just one question, why. if i em doing good then nigga
you should be happy for me. but still we got these problems
fuck them i got my own so im a put it down let it come around
lets see who wins this, wha is in this what you want yup your game
is over hahahaha im just smilen HO