
tulevaisuusPerjantai 26.09.2008 18:33

2012 L.A.


[Ei aihetta]Torstai 25.09.2008 19:15


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 22.09.2008 22:33

moi olin tänään sairaalassa,,
ei kivaa voin kertoo

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 31.08.2008 17:16


<3Lauantai 30.08.2008 23:51

i know the Muffin Man, i know the Muffin Man
i'm the only one who knows him
knows him, knows him
he lives on my street
oh, hey
muffin man

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 30.08.2008 02:39

he is such a pussy<3

MOILauantai 30.08.2008 01:26

menin tänään kouluun vaan syömään.. säälittävää
nyt mä oon kotona koko vkl ja syön jäätelöä<3

gay vibesLauantai 09.08.2008 06:48

-oh hey guys
-oh hey what you're doing in there?
-you know... stuff

-in real time, you know real time.. like TIME

-oh hey guys
-oh hey where have you been?
-i... you know... places

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.08.2008 08:05

Have I told you how much I love this?
Oh my god, my brother is such a
homo. He just got his XBox 360 back.
He had to send it back to Microsoft,
because it broke. When it came today,
he hugged the fucking UPS guy.
What a homo.

niin kaunista<3Keskiviikko 30.07.2008 01:29

you gave me a smile that i could never forget.