


Heaven was full so i went down w/ u

<3Lauantai 27.11.2010 20:43

“I would like to work with Pete again. He’s the one I like to write songs with best. Our live reunion was wonderful, to see that we can be together again. It almost felt as if the last five years didn’t happen.”
— Carl Barat

few day's ago in russia :(Lauantai 27.11.2010 20:39

carl spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam !Lauantai 27.11.2010 20:21

yessssssssLauantai 27.11.2010 20:15

hmmm what the hell???Tiistai 16.11.2010 16:47

Conor on speakerphoneTorstai 07.10.2010 05:47

hello its 00.50am

tonight !!!!Perjantai 01.10.2010 19:12

mimmi : peteeeee
sandra : näääää

NOOWAAAAY my friend went and kissed him :oKeskiviikko 29.09.2010 03:50

i guess im a little jealous now !

OKAY SO READING FEST 2011 HERE I COME!Sunnuntai 12.09.2010 03:21