
[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.01.2008 22:36

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.01.2008 22:34

"Moooi! Ootko säkin vihanen?"
"Joo, mä en nää mun otsaa.. Mikäs sua nyppii?"

<3Sunnuntai 27.01.2008 15:46

Rest in peace girl, your death is such a shame
The paper said a bullet got in your way
But I smell foulplay, possible poisoning
I had to bring her in for questioning
I went to your grave, dug up your body
Brought it to my house, where you lay

So lets play doctor babe
We'll operate today
Incisions must be made
You could help solve this case
For me...

I headed downtown, to share what I had found
It's not a suicide, it's a crime
I have a witness, it's clearly evident
There had to be someone else present
At the time of death, poisons in stomach
How could she pull it, if she's dead?

So lets play doctor babe
We'll operate today
Incisions must be made
You could help solve this case
We need a scalpel now
Under white lights you lay
We've got to hurry up
Before the flesh decays

I'll catch the murderer
And send him away
I'll get the evidence
From your last day
Your last day...

So lets play doctor babe
We'll operate today
Incisions must be made
You could help solve this case
We need a scalpel now
Under white lights you lay
We've got to hurry up
Before the flesh decays


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 26.01.2008 20:59

Some day I'll find you, I'll wrap in my arms and I will never let you go.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 26.01.2008 03:11

Ihana ilma.

R.I.P. Keskiviikko 23.01.2008 20:41

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 22.01.2008 20:28

Onneks pääsen huomen kampaajalle ^^
Muuten olisin leikannu itteni nyt kaljuks..

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 22.01.2008 00:51

Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is just waiting
To turn your tears to roses

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 19.01.2008 21:11

katso mikä merkitys on sun nimen kirjaimilla

A : You like to drink.
B : Everyone wants you.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : Damn you are good kisser
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and looks.
I : You Are Great in bed.
J : People Adore YOU!
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Everyone loves you.
M : best kisser ever.
N : You like to drink.
O : Awesome kisser.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : Fuckin crazy.
S : Easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgmental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Best g/f b/f anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready.

S : Easy to fall in love with.
o : Awesome kisser.
f : You are dead sexy.
i : You are great in bed.
a : You like to drink.